The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
True Parents have said: "The source of love, life and lineage is the sexual organ". In human history, the sexual organ is mostly thought of being the source of life and procreation. Yet, we see many emerging traits in modern culture and science, that validate True Father's new revelation about love as wellbeing rooted in the sexual organ. It all started with modern psychologist connecting behavior with sexuality. And then the hippie culture declared make love, not war, connecting sexuality to even world peace.
Also, we see in movies of last few decades, this trait: The protagonists in the story goes through an evolution, where they start with the promiscuous behavior, treating sex, purely, as an end to itself, having no consequence on their "love life". However, the protagonist starts to feel the contradiction, the more he denies the connection between the sex and love. And finally he or she will make a choice, usually toward sexual monogamy and love.
Even though these traits have not actually solved the contradiction between the two world of love and sex, however, they seem to be preparing us for final resolution through the new philosophy of "Absolute Sex" by our True Parents.