The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
Is being a woman about dressing like one? Can a female feel like a woman, when she is complemented about her beauty, by another woman? What if all females in the world praise and call her a true woman! Would she then feel like a woman.
When a woman asks another woman if her dress looks good on her, what she really means, "can you wish that men would appreciate my femininity"; she is asking for her support to meet the man she is dating, whether that's her father, brother or husband.
When a woman asks a man whether he love her, it is not about whether he can provide for her; rather, she is asking can you as a man, affirm me as a woman. No one can give her that identity, except a man.
However, if the man is not sure of his own manhood, because he was not assured by any woman, such as his mother, then he has hard time to tell her, he loves her, and confirm her identity as a woman.
So, you can never marry a woman, but just a female; because a woman wont exist, until you, the man, actually create her, "out of your rib"!