The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon
We are not responsible for others, but we are responsible to be an example to others. Adam's shame was that he could not protect his sister Eve from the fall, so he started blaming her. Yet, all he had to do was to change himself. And by being the example he could indemnify his lack of responsibility.
So every time that feeling of guilt comes on, of past failures in relationships, we got to use that to motivate us to work harder in changing ourselves, instead of just begging for their forgiveness, or offering to heal the hurts we have caused.
We are not responsible to heal others, but to simply serve. The only healing that exists is self-healing. Only self can heal itself, both physical self and the spiritual. We just need to be there for others, in case they need someone to listen to them, or babysit their dog, so they can be alone for a while, caring for themselves.