The Words of the Sedehi Family

Be a Prisoner of LOVE, and Not the Lover!

Shahram Sedehi
June 16, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon's family

Usually we say I love someone or something. But, I think what we mean is, "we resonate with LOVE". The others and us, are like the two rods, with plus and minus charges, inside a battery. What produces actual electrical current is the chemicals in the battery, which facilitates interaction between the two plus-minus rods.

In other words, we on our own, have no LOVE. We have the potential to resonate with LOVE, like a tuning fork that resonates with an established musical note.

So, if we say we love, we must not make that being our prisoner! Yet, we must become the prisoner of LOVE itself.

Neither should we worship the other. Rather, we must be humble to LOVE; and, let it command us to yield to the other. 

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