The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Darwin theory says that Evolution (being changed by one's circumstances) is the only key to existence. However, True Parents states, that Evolution only plays the minor key. The major key to the foundation of the existence, is how we change our circumstances by, actually, not being changed!
Even though a rock by the ocean maybe rounded after millions of waves, rock never changes its characteristics of being unchanging and unmovable.
The same type of plant seeds do grow to very similar plants, being unchanged by anyone wishes to be some other plant! Yet, the circumstances in the life of the plant does affect its variation in colors, shape and texture, making it unique from the others.
So the foundation for Change is being Unchanging. To be a unique, one and only, creation of God, it requires us to be foremost and transparently, one with all creation and its common purpose.
P.S. That means don't tell someone else to change, but show them unchanging love and they will someday return the same.