The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Update on Article: Previous title was "Co-Prosperity but no co-existence". Yes in Divine Principle does say: "The Principle of Coexistence, Co-prosperity, common-cause--" However, My point is co-existence cannot be without co-prosperity and common cause. They are inseparable. This coexistence on its own does not work in a Heavenly society.
Someone asked this question regarding this video about Freedom Society:
... Divine Principle In Part 2 chapter 4 teaches the principles of Coexistence, co-prosperity, Common cause and Communism and explains that man' original mind is headed for a SOCIALISTIC society on the heavenly side. Doesn't this contradict this message?
My answer: In that same paragraph you are referring to there is a reference to this Bible verse Acts 4:32
"...All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had."
Kook Jin Nim is simply looking for that kind of socialism, where people share, not governments share instead for the people!
Let's say you are thinking about sharing some food with your sister, but some grown up would forcefully take most of what you have and then give it to your sister and tell you, "You really would not have shared this, if it was not for us taking it from you and sharing it!!!!...." How would that make you feel?
Democracy is a system where people govern themselves, not governed by the police. Most people would not pay taxes, if it was not for police and jails.
Heavenly socialism comes as a result of people getting back their individual political and economic freedom, and then having the free will to choose either "the public good", or "selfishness"! Those who choose the public good will have to be at war (even with guns) with those who want to remain selfish and bully others. Since both have guns, the "selfish" people cannot accuse the "public minded" people of unfairness. This way there is a lot more chance of voluntary submission, which is the only way restoration can happen, according to Divine Principle.
In contrast, in welfare society these selfish individuals are allowed to be pacified by hand-outs (welfare) from the governments or just jailed away by force. However, in Heavenly society, people are confronted with truth of their actions and given chances to repent or seek a mentor. Whether it is good or bad, everyone is clear where they stand.
In Principle there is no such a concept of co-existence, without co-prosperity. So if someone decides not to repent, they themselves will see no reason to stay around those who do repent. Instead of being forced into isolation in jail, they will simply leave the "Freedom (with responsibility) Society" and go live with those similar to them. It is an automatic separation of good and evil (as in the spirit world would happen).
Right now someone can go to jail and still not repent and simply "co-exist" with the rest of society. He can hide and harm the innocent easily. He can further influence the vulnerable to form a gang of crime.
It is like your child does something bad. If his privileges are not taken away then he does not change. So usually parents isolate the child for a period of time from the rest of family and then give the child repeated chances to repent, until he actually does.
P.S. As far as individuals owning guns being the ultimate cause of violence, it is simply not true: In the last century, deaths committed by government troops, totaled 250 Million, versus the murders committed by individuals which totaled to a mere 5 million!
It is not guns that create wars, but rather governments oversized power.