The Words of the Sedehi Family |
As Unificationist we have been using the term "public" versus "private". This is entirely a satanic concept that invaded our culture. In Divine Principle the correct concept is whole purpose and individual purpose as complementary and not conflicting at all.
The term "public" and "private" came from a false trait from the Japanese culture into our church. In that culture concept of public does not actually mean whole purpose at all. Public simply means being loyal to the emperor (messiah) as a god figure.
So all things belongs to Japanese empire. Nothing ultimately belongs to individuals. The word private actually never existed in Japanese culture. When Japanese people say "private", it is actually a shameful word. It is only allowed only in reference to Western values of individualism.
In Japan one can never expose any wrong doing in public, thus transparency is not allowed. As long as one's wrong doing is not exposed in public, it is not really wrong and simply gets classified as a "private" secret.
Thus the word private does not have any reference to individual ownership or purpose. It actually insinuates the concept "don't see, don't tell".
Thus, the Unificationists, due to the influence of the Japanese paradigm of "public versus private", got detoured from the original concept of ownership, which can only be accomplished based on recognition of the individual purpose complementing the whole purpose. Without such recognition, it is not possible to fulfill the concept of ownership and individual responsibility, in the era of Chun Il Guk.
If the individual is not recognized as a unit, then there is no individual accountability either. The accountability would have to always rest on the leader of a group (or the entire group), but never each individual. Thus as long as the individual remains loyal to the leader, he does not have to really grow up as an individual, because the leader will always cover up the individuals sins, to protect the image of the group or so called "public"!