The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Noon Time Era is when all sins come into light, no shadows, right?
Yet, how can that happen?
Do we get some judgment flashlights and police our way into people's lives?
Do we read Hoon Dok Hae material and see who we can judge according to it?
Do we use other people's standard as a measuring stick to know whether we are in the light?
What is the source of this noon time light?
We all know it is God and True Parents.
Then, the answer is simple:
We are supposed to put ourselves under their light until no shadow is cast.
Or are we supposed to ask our family, friends and enemy to do it instead of us?
Do we ask them: "You all go first and I am coming!"
Noon Time Era means no shadows era which means: we go before God and True Parents, all alone.
It means, we don't hide in other peoples shadows.