The Words of the Sedehi Family |
In our world, we get anxious when it is not in plain view who is good, and who is evil, who is safe and who is harmful... Last night while watching a shoot and kill 'm movie, I was wondering why people, including myself, enjoy seeing other people get shot?! Isn't that supposed to make one sad, a life being lost?!
Then I realized: When we can see clearly who the bad guy is, we feel safe, when he is gotten rid of instantly by a bullet. Anxiety of dividing good and evil in our self and others is gone. Everything, by the end of the movie, is black and white, no gray areas.
So that's why Cain Killed Abel, he just could not deal with the anxiety of evil within himself and Abel. So many times we just want to judge things quickly and "kill" the person we can't trust anymore. We want to feel safe.
Yet, instead, if we beat the feeling of anxiety of facing the "evil" un-trust-able person, we can find out and forgive whatever makes us feel unsafe. Yet, we rather close our eyes and ears from the person and hope he will just go away or will be punished by God, unto destruction!
Yet, we still feel unsafe, since we never dealt with the fear inside ourselves!