The Words of the Sedehi Family |
As soon as we make the smallest effort to do God's Will, we seem to get this voice saying "You did good enough, you don't need to do more!" And on the other hand when, we are not doing anything for God's Will, feeling guilty, we seem to get the voice "You are not good enough, and you'll never be!"
Doesn't it seem to be a contradiction, but actually it is not. Both voices are from same satanic source! When we are doing God's Will, Satan is telling us "it is enough!" so that we stop short of making a total offering, unconditional and sincere offering.
However, when we are just sitting watching TV all day and eat potato chips for all three meals, we start feeling pangs of guilt in our conscience and we hear the voice "you are not enough!", and a little later we hear, "you will never be enough!" and then again same voice," you were never enough, even when you did God's Will!"
So, Satan seems like he can't make up his mind, whether, we are good enough or not!
It's about time that we reverse this scenario. So when we are doing God's Will sincerely, we got to go that extra step and say "You did not do enough, take an extra step and seal the offering". And when we have slipped back to our "old" self and are feeling guilty and keep sliding further into the abyss of despair, then we need to tell ourselves, "You are good enough, because are God's Child, not His Servant; He loves you unconditionally!"