The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Family life demands a lot of love; it seems we just don't have anything left over, specifically for our spouse, by the end of day!
Here is a suggestion:
Every day put aside "a little love", in a little love basket for your spouse, and give it to her/him periodically.
It could be a few dollars you saved from yet another Starbucks coffee!
It could be a rose peddle you picked somewhere.
It could be a little note you wrote on a napkin with his/her name drawn on it.
The key is to putting something aside on a regular basis.
Hence, saving tiny bits on the side, will finally amount to something substantial for your spouse after a period.
You come home tired, you may get a bit of attention or maybe not...No way is it possible to give or receive special love daily, but periodically we could all manage!
Why not every time we say a complaint or feel guilty for whatever reason toward our spouse, put a little love in the basket and just forget about it!
All that said, perhaps you may say, I have done something like that, yet ended up breaking the piggy bank saving for my spouse and spent it on some urgent bill! And that was when you decide to forget all about this love baskets idea all together!
Here is my answer: we need several love baskets, one basket to shield the other basket from being robbed by unpredictable nature of life! Kind of Like a Russian Nested doll!
What do you think?