The Words of the Sedehi Family |
At the fall of man, exclusivity and inclusivity were reversed in all relationships, as the original spouses of Eve were exchanged from Adam to the Archangel. The originally destined marriage (exclusive relationship) of Adam and Eve represented the central governance role in the "garden" and the Archangels represented the inclusive peripheral (supportive governance) role, in the garden. However as the Archangel became the first husband of Eve, he took over that central governance role in the garden!
Hence, since then, we see governments have wrongly dominated families, which originally had the central role in governance. Losing its original eternal center, thus, the family of man has been divided into many opposing, warring countries, and sects.
The exclusive relationship of the married couples was to be the anchor and center of the inclusive relationships in society, creating a cohesive structure of relationships.
In pursuit of greater inclusivity, gradually, the governments have discouraged the central exclusive sexual relationship in marriages, leading to the modern day birth of free sex movement, which has resulted in the rapid growth rate of divorces.
As a result, the modern society keeps decentralizing and re-centralizing into smaller segments and sub cultures, getting further from its inherent thread of harmony, the central exclusive relationship of married couples.
Furthermore, we see a polarization between society and family: Instead of harmony between the exclusivity of marriage and inclusivity of social life, there is a competition between the two. Families demand more freedom to be exclusive and society demand more inclusivity and involvement into the domestic affairs of families. Thus exclusivity of marriages, has turned into extreme privacy (sectarianism), and inclusivity of society has turned into extreme governance (dictatorship)!
Family of man has given up its central freedom that exists only centered on the exclusive sexual relationship of married couples, for the peripheral freedom of inclusive random sex relationships.
Free sex movement is assuming that one can start with inclusive peripheral "social sex" and end up with exclusive central married sex! However as we know no circle is formed outward to inward. A circle is made from inward to outward, as it builds on its anchor and center.
So freedom grows always from its center, the exclusive relationship, toward its outer circle, the societal freedom, not the other way around. Exclusivity can grow into inclusivity, but never inclusivity can turn into exclusivity!
Nobody makes a building from top to bottom, rather from bottom to top! The anchor of a circle can't exist in its outer orbit, but only at its most central orbit!