The Words of the Sheftick Family |
The most fundamental cause of disease is separation from God, which was a result of the fall of man. The distortion of man's consciousness subsequently distorted the energy patterns of the spirit mind and the body. Everything from the inner aspect of man's being to the outer manifestation was affected. The only part that escaped this corruption was the innermost aspect of human nature -- the original mind, which connects each person to God.
How then can we restore ourselves to health? We have to restore our relationship to God, and we do that through the Principle. According to my understanding, the principles of the restoration of health follow the same pattern as the restoration of our relationship to God through the Messiah. We must lay a Foundation of Faith and a Foundation of Substance.
A holistic viewpoint of health emphasizes the importance of integrating every aspect of our life processes, on all levels of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The holistic perspective gives you an awareness of your uniqueness as an individual as well as a sensitivity to a larger vision of yourself in relation to others and God.
Healing, then, is the process through which all the dimensions of man's being are brought into harmony centering on the original purpose of God, and means our ultimate reunion with the source of love, life, harmony and well-being.
The Foundation of Faith requires a central figure, a conditional offering, and a time period. The patient stands in the position of central figure, and in doing so must take the responsibility to fulfill those conditions necessary to bring about the desired results.
In making a conditional offering we offer our minds, bodies, and material belongings.
The proper attitude of mind is of essential importance to the restoration of health. This means that one should have faith that he or she can get well. Secondly, one should have the desire to get well. Strange as it may sound, some people derive physical, mental, or emotional benefit from being sick. A person who does not want to get well is most difficult to help. Thirdly, one should fully expect to get well. Why should you expect to get well? Because God wants you to get well, and for that purpose has programmed the original spirit mind and physical mind to take responsibility to maintain and heal the individual. Finally, one must have the attitude of being grateful, despite the difficulties he or she is going through at the time. A resentful, angry heart heals nothing.
In order to receive treatment the patient also usually goes physically to the doctor or therapist, making an offering of the body, so to speak.
Usually we offer our material belongings in the form of money for the services rendered by the doctor. This sometimes amounts to thousands and thousands of dollars. Do not resent this aspect of health restoration, for it is a natural principle. There needs to be an exchange of energies, and money represents energy you have expended in performing a certain task. Bartering is also an example of this.
A time period is the other factor involved in establishing the Foundation of Faith. How long a time period is necessary to lay a condition to get well? Each person is different, so it is hard to tell. However, sometimes experience helps us to perceive this -- not only our own experience, but that of others with similar problems. Through intuition and spiritual guidance we also can gain some insight into this aspect of health restoration. Also through scientific and experimental methods we can discern the time period necessary for healing. Just as growth takes place through stages, so does the healing process.
Indemnity is an important factor involved in healing -- and we do have to pay indemnity; there is no escaping it! Often this aspect of the healing process is misunderstood, and I suspect sometimes it is even misused. However, we can't ignore a principle because it is sometimes abused. Indemnity is necessary because original sin, ancestral sin, group or collective sin, or individual sinful actions which have been done against others or the Principle must be restored. Sin here means unprincipled actions and separation from God. Healing often involves the restoration of at least one, and possibly all of these levels of sin.
You may have a problem on all dimensions of your being simultaneously: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This is most often the case. For healing to be complete, it must take place on all levels -- and for this, time is necessary. There have of course been cases of instantaneous healing, but if you study these cases more deeply you see that these individuals had already paid much indemnity by going to many doctors or therapists, spending thousands of dollars, and going through all kinds of mental, emotional, and spiritual agonies before they found the one who cured them "instantly." Faith healing works this way.
One point I would like to stress is that we do have the responsibility to try to get well, and to keep trying. The fact that we have to pay indemnity does not mean that we should not exercise our God-given portion of responsibility; rather, responsibility is an integral part of paying indemnity.
But we are working on many levels at once. Most people consider good health to be their most valuable asset. But, as we are involved in the process of family, nation, and world restoration, our individual course of action should not center on this point only. While it is usually good to try to get well whenever possible, living a life of suffering or even dying for the sake of humanity and God's will is not evil or wrong.
What else do we have to establish in order to restore health? Along with the Foundation of Faith, we need the Foundation of Substance. For this we need Abel and Cain. The purpose of the Abel-Cain relationship is to reverse the four points of fallen nature and remove it, and to allow the Spirit of God to work within and between the two individuals. Here the doctor or therapist is in the Abel position, and the patient is in the Cain position.
First, the patient must take the view- point of God. In this situation God wants you to get well, as explained earlier. God's original desire is for all His children to be well. When one goes to a central figure and tells him of a problem, the central figure should make decisions upon parental, principled reflection. In emergency life and death situations, I don't think there is any doubt as to what course of action is necessary. There are also situations where you have to take individual responsibility. Other times it may involve a collective decision. This often takes place in a family between husband and wife or parents and children.
In my experience my children come to me with their health complaints and we decide what the situation requires: doctor, hospital, rest, no more sweets, or whatever.
As children mature they become increasingly more responsible for making their own decisions -- sometimes with parental guidance. When all are working well together in unity for the desired result, healing can take place on all dimensions.
Second, you must keep your position in the parent-child, doctor-patient relationship. People with chronic conditions usually do a lot of research about their problem. The doctor can gain from their experience and thus be in a better position to help his patient. Have give-and-take with the doctor, but then allow the doctor to make the necessary recommendations for you.
Third, it is important not to reverse dominion. Some people want to be the doctor; they not only tell you what's wrong but also how and when to fix it. I always wonder why these people even bother to go to a doctor at all.
The professional person you are seeking help from usually knows more about the subject than you, so it brings you much more benefit if you allow the professional to direct the course of action.
Fourth, a patient should multiply goodness by following the doctor's advice. Many patients don't. A few years ago it was discovered that 40 to 50 percent of all patients do not follow their doctor's recommendations. Many patients listen to and follow the advice of others without consulting the doctor. One must always work with a central point to get the best results.
These principles for the restoration of health are important no matter what doctor you go to, or what method you use. Of course we still need a deeper understanding of how they work, and this comes with personal practice and application. Eventually I believe God will reveal to us the entire principled method of health restoration; one that will become the new paradigm or model for future generations.