The Words of the Skousen Family |
When Rev. Moon came to the United States in 1971 he couldn't speak a word of English sort of a fantastic situation really. But he had a message for America from the Bible, and it's the same in Korean as it is in English: "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land!'
Now the people of this land are God's people. They are not the only people that belong to God, but in a sense they are a special people, because either they or their ancestors fled from places around the world to come to this land, where God created the first free nation in modern times. When the early settlers came here, they entered into a covenant with God, promising to serve Him, to remember His son and his great sacrifice, and to make themselves worthy to be loved by God. But as time went on we began to stray from that covenant, and in some respects our system and our society allowed elements of corruption to creep in. In our own generation elements of Sodom and Gomorrah have appeared in our midst. Innocent people have been put in prison. Some of our churches have had chains and padlocks put across their doors. Ministers have been arrested from a posture of prayer and put into prison. Mothers and fathers have been jailed just because they didn't want their children exposed to the pornography that was in some of the books, the humanistic and false philosophies that were taught by some of the teachers. And they didn't want their children to be other than just fine, upstanding American people. They didn't want them in the government schools, and they were arrested for that. You see, something has changed, something is wrong.
Rev. Moon came to America in 1971 under the inspiration of the diamond dust of God's great spirit that drifts down on the human family, if they'll listen to it, and he came here to tell us to humble ourselves, and to pray, and to seek His face, and to turn from our wicked ways; so that God can hear us, and forgive our sins, and heal this great land.
Well, how did Rev. Moon do this? He came to America; he announced that he was going to save America. Isn't that exciting? The thing that has fascinated me is the manner in which he contrived to do that, the plan. How would you have done it? He started out by saying you've got to have at least one major newspaper that tells the truth. So his movement invested $150-200 million in The Washington Times, which has now become a national newspaper. My son, who works in the White House, tells me it's the most widely read paper in the "royale palace." Secondly, Rev. Moon said all the leaders of the churches of God ought to assemble together, in a program that will make them feel comfortable with each other, so they can fight evil together. Now that's a great achievement. He didn't ask us to change our theology. He said, let's eat together, let's talk together, let's pray together, let's learn together; and after that we'll work together.
When I was in the FBI I saw a lot of evil elements that were creeping into our schools and government. I agonized over this because I could see some very serious deterioration going on. I just wished somebody would speak out against it. When I saw the film Truth is My Sword,
I saw a Korean war hero [Bo Hi Pak]speak up to the chairman of a congressional committee -- and that chairman had sponsored almost every Soviet-oriented left-wing affair that had come along in his lifetime -- and I heard this Korean colonel speak up against him, and do so intelligently, and remind the chairman of what he had been doing. I felt like standing up and cheering.
Another thing Rev. Moon wanted us to do was get back to our founding fathers' original success formula. He knew we were off the track. He didn't know exactly what we had done, but whatever had made us a free and great people in the first place, he wanted us to get back to it. That was a job for Americans. In 1971, some of us got together and organized what has become known as the National Center for Constitutional Studies. For 14 years we have worked almost day and night to put together a carefully documented revival of the founding fathers' original concepts. We put it into a book that's easy to read and carefully illustrated. It comes off the press after 14 years of work on September 1, about 10 days from now. It will he called 1 The Making of America.
All of us here tonight know what the founding fathers really wanted us to do:
We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States.
You see, that's really what it's all about, and Rev. Moon is saying those are the six things we're supposed to be doing, and let's get on about it. And so tonight, we face this great battle for freedom. The founders established freedom; we've got to revive it and popularize it. And so we say to Rev. Moon, "Welcome back to the frontline trenches of this great battle. Welcome home!