The Words of the Skousen Family |
Hang Nyong Lee, president of PWPA in Korea, presents Father with a
plaque commemorating the Seoul Declaration of 1983, in which PWPA
professors pledged to support Father's work.
Rev. and Mrs. Moon, Dr. and Mrs. Pak, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends:
I bring you greeting from the Coalition for Religious Freedom in Washington DC.
Rev. Moon, it is a delight to greet you here in your home country. The first time you and I met was in federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut, under guard, and you were unjustly confined. I'm grateful to God for your safety during that time and for your freedom today.
Freedom -- what a glorious word. In the breast of all men and women, regardless of homeland or religious heritage, there beats a heart that longs for and cherishes above all else -- freedom. Freedom for themselves and freedom for their offspring.
God's word to Pharaoh through Moses was, "Let my people go!"
Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
The Christmas season, upon which we are now entering, is God's way of sharing His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, with fallen and sinful man. We are individually born into a world of sin and the cry of humanity is one for release -- for salvation -- for freedom.
I have found a friend and a comrade of like desire in Rev. Moon in the cause for freedom
Many have asked you, Rev. Moon, Why did you go to America? Why have you led your people into countries around the world? What is your goal? I doubt if even you could answer all the questions that are being asked.
Your facing prison was a major factor in the birth of the Coalition for Religious Freedom. Religious leaders from across America have taken a stand on your behalf. Over 15,000 ministers, plus another 100,000 people, have become a part of this movement to guarantee religious freedom to all mankind.
You, sir, have been maligned, ridiculed, mocked, and cursed at, yet you have stayed. Rev. Moon, Dr. Pak, as a pastor and a leader of pastas, I for one want to say thank you for your commitment to freedom. Our organization and the people represented by our board members total upwards of 50 million Americans, and I can assure you not one of them has a desire to live under communism.
Why have you dedicated yourself, created newspapers, magazines, organizations? Why have some of the most brilliant minds in the world risen to stand with you?
I believe it is because you love freedom more than life itself and to this end I will stand with you as an ally and a friend. Freedom is the most precious of God's gifts next to only life itself. It is because of your commitment to freedom that we have seen, perhaps for the first time, a gathering of people from every background and religious persuasion willing to find common ground and to stand together to defeat this all-assailing, tyrannical, godless movement called communism.
Tyranny brings ignorance and brutality along with it. It degrades mankind from its just rank into the class of brutes; it dampens the spirit; it suppresses arts; it extinguishes t very spark of noble ardor and generosity in the breasts of those who are enslaved by it; it makes naturally strong and great minds feeble and little, and triumphs over the ruins of virtue and humanity. This is true of tyranny in every shape. There can be nothing great and good where its influence reaches; for which reason it behooves every friend to truth and humankind, every lover of God, to bear a part in opposing this hateful monster.
When we stand together we can turn around the attacks of the media, we can educate and win our critics, but above all we can defeat communism.
At the recent summit meeting between President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev there was a door opened for a people-to-people exchange. Why don't we take Gorbachev up on his offer and go to Moscow before 1988 and hold a rally for religious freedom at Red Square?
I call upon you, leaders and representatives of the world, to stand together and now to stand with me in tribute and honor to a great leader and freedom fighter -- Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
kisses the hand of Dr. Cleon Skousen after he testified at the
banquet to the greatness of Father's work in America.
Rev. And Mrs. Moon and distinguished guests:
I am honored to be here tonight for two very special reasons.
First, to express my appreciation for the courage and supreme sacrifice of the Korean people who offered their lives and everything they possessed to resist the satanic forces of murderous communism and preserve freedom in this part of the Korean peninsula. I have written about you in my books and quoted General Douglas MacArthur on the greatness of the Korean people.
Secondly, I am honored to be here so that I can tell you some of the tremendous things Rev. Moon has done for my own country, the United States of America.
The American people are also a courageous and generous people, but some of them became confused about communism. After all, the Soviet Union was our temporary ally during World War II fighting against Hitler. For a while, the Soviet leaders even pretended to be our friends fighting for the liberation of captive peoples.
But some of us knew their goal was conquest, not liberation. J. Edgar Hoover tried to warn the American people. I was sent out as his representative to give hundreds of speeches warning the people against communism. I finally wrote a book called The Naked Communist which became a national best-seller. But we needed more voices, more teachers, more books.
I did not know it at the time, but in 1971 Rev. Sun Myung Moon arrived in America. He brought with him vast resources and a host of missionaries. Rev. Moon had a powerful but simple message: "God wants America saved!"
He explained that America is the foundation for the preservation of the free world. For the sake of freedom everywhere, God wants America saved.
When I heard this message, I knew he spoke the truth. I welcomed this great new voice for freedom with his inspired ministry to fight the forces of evil and break the stranglehold of communism among the enslaved countries of the Soviet bloc.
Of course, not everyone welcomed Rev. Moon. The left-wing elements viciously attacked him. Even left-wing elements in our government attacked him and finally ensnared him in the technicalities of the law which gave them an excuse to send him to prison.
But a great American patriot, Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, who is chairman of the Senate Committee on the Constitution, advised me that Rev. Moon had been sent to prison illegally and in violation of the laws of the United States. He wrote an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. So did my own organization. And so did 40 churches, civil rights lawyers, and other national leaders. But it was to no avail. The Supreme Court refused to listen.
Nevertheless, while Rev. Moon was in prison something marvelous happened. Thousands of ministers of different faiths rallied together in regional conferences to hear the CAUSA lectures and resolve that they would unite in the name of God to fight against evil. And they resolved to fight communism and restore the Constitution so that America could be saved.
There has never been anything like it in the history of the United States.
Rev. Moon did something else. He saw that the American press had been invaded by left-wing elements. Americans were being fed heavy doses of disinformation. He knew the people, especially Congress, needed to hear the truth. Rev. Moon's movement, therefore, spent hundreds of millions of dollars to set up The Washington Times. I am told that it is the most widely read newspaper at the White House.
Next Saturday, I will be teaching a large seminar to those who work for senators and congressmen. Many of these are involved in writing new legislation for Congress. This seminar would have been impossible if Rev. Moon had not offered to help me with the expense of books and meals as well as a very attractive hotel in which to meet.
So, in closing, I have to say that something wonderful is happening in America. It is something that would not be happening if it were not for Rev. Moon and his powerful corps of dedicated followers.
I know of no single individual who is doing more to awaken America, uniting the churches, and extending such fabulous treasures in money and energy to accomplish this inspired work, than Rev. Moon.
Therefore, I thank him. I thank him for all America. I especially thank him for myself, my wife, our eight children, and our forty-three grandchildren!
Syed Ausaf Ali, executive vice-president of the World Conference on
Religion and Peace, presents Father and Mother with a gift at True
Parents' homecoming banquet.
It is a pleasure to be here to speak before this distinguished audience.
As most Americans are aware, Rev. Moon and his movement are quite controversial in the United States. America's media made much of many attacks on him. So I was cautious when first contacted by some of his associates.
But as I got to know Rev. Moon's movement, I discovered that the charges were completely false. I found something entirely different -- a group of concerned people truly dedicated to a cause in which they believed. There were no hidden agenda, no ill motives, and no quid pro quo. Most importantly, they spoke the truth. That is more than I can say for most American political leaders.
It is not what Rev. Moon or his movement have done that has earned enmity from America's establishment; it L what he believes, and the fact that he is willing to fight so articulately for it. He has been and will continue to be -- attacked, persecuted, and perhaps again imprisoned for his actions.
But persecution in many instances should be worn like a badge of courage. John Adams, a great American patriot, was laughed at, maligned, and berated for advocating the radical view that the American colonies should seek independence from Britain.
Another great American patriot, Abraham Lincoln, was persecuted for advocating the abolition of slavery. History show' that often great patriots are also great prophets. Lincoln and Adams are living examples. At great personal expense, they stood their ground, spoke the truth, and eventually won.
Rev. Moon, you have made an invaluable contribution to America and the cause of freedom. The Washington Times, which is read regularly by the President of the United States, is, I believe, the best newspaper in America. CAUSA is educating people about the evils of communism throughout the Western Hemisphere. You have made generous contributions to worthy causes throughout our country, and done other great things too numerous to mention.
The Bible says, "By their fruits you will know there I am proud of my association with you, with Dr. Bo Hi Pak, and with virtually everyone I have dealt with in your movement. But most of all, I admire your ability to do that which is right despite the consequences.
I am convinced that history will repeat itself. Like John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and others, Rev. Sun Myung Moon will go down in history as a great American patriot and a prophet.
Excellency Dr. Mario Echandi, former president of Costa Rica,
receives a warm embrace from Father as he presents him with a plaque
marking the success of the AULA conference in Rome, Italy. On the
stunning marble and gold plaque is an inscription of the pledge sworn
by Simon Bolivar in the early 1800s for the liberation and unity of
Latin America as he stood on the "sacred mountain" in Rome.
At the AULA conference all the participants had solemnly reaffirmed
the contents of this historic pledge.
Dr. and Mrs. Moon, Dr. and Mrs. Pak, world leaders, distinguished friends, ladies and gentlemen:
I am deeply honored to be here tonight on this wonderful occasion to join with you in welcoming Dr. Moon out of jail and home to Korea. This is a time of great joy for you.
I am a Christian. When Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the father but by me." I believe that. I live by it. I am prepared to die by it. When the Bible says Jesus was "the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world." I believe that. I live by it. I am prepared to die by it. Ile is the risen Christ, the light of the world, the source of life, the Savior of mankind and my Lord. This I believe with all my heart.
The Bible also bids us to "give honor to whom honor is due." I am therefore delighted to join you in giving honor to a remarkable man to whom honor is indeed due.
The real character of any man is best seen either when persecution and adversity are at their peak, or when tremendous success is enjoyed. How does he handle persecution and adversity? How does he deal with wealth, power, and opportunity? Do persecution and unjust treatment make him bitter and vindictive? Do wealth and power make him arrogant and proud?
I am told that while Dr. Moon was in Danbury prison he prayed for hours each day and cheerfully scrubbed toilets and Boors. I like that! That tells me something about the man.
I know from personal experience that he has generously helped dozens of worthwhile causes in America and throughout the world and asked for nothing in return except that they fulfill their God-given mission. That tells me something about the man.
A measure of a man's leadership also is seen in the quality of those who follow his vision. I am deeply impressed by the men who work closely with Dr. Moon, men like Dr. Bo Hi Pak. They are strong men of culture, of character, of vision, and of a generous spirit. This, too, tells me something about the man.
Dr. Moon's impact upon America and upon the world has been significant. I am aware of only a small part. I am told it is great. His impact upon America has been impressive.
His vision has led to The Washington Times' becoming one of the most respected newspapers in America. The balancing point of view of The Washington Times was desperately needed in Washington. I am told that President Reagan reads it faithfully.
His imprisonment and generous financial support helped to contribute to the founding of the Coalition for Religious Freedom which is now the most powerful organization in America defending religious liberty for all. The unjust imprisonment of Dr. Moon had a catalytic effect upon thousands of American religious leaders of all varieties, who, under the banner of the Coalition for Religious Freedom, vigorously came to his defense.
I am told that his vision will soon result in a new television network that will provide a way to reach millions of American homes for the purpose of anticommunist education and to reach America for Christ.
With a militant communist movement committed to world domination and world enslavement, Dr. Moon has sounded a clarion call for all of those who love freedom to stand together as colleagues united against a common foe.
I stand with him in this cause, without reservation and without hesitation. He has earned the right to lead. He bears the wounds of a North Korean and an American prison. He has given above measure and he has set a worthy agenda. Communism can and must be defeated. This will only happen as freedom-loving people stand and work together toward that common goal that Dr. Moon has so clearly identified.
It is in this unifying vision and goal that Dr. Moon will accomplish his greatest good and, I am convinced, go down in history as one of the genuine heroes of the 20th century in the battle against godless communism.
This champion of freedom is indeed worthy and due our honor.
It is an honor to testify on behalf of one of the great religious leaders of this or any age. I have had the privilege of associating with Rev. Moon for more than 10 years -- first with ICUS, that most remarkable conference of intellectuals from more than 100 countries that has contributed annually to the store of human knowledge. The tenth and largest conference with more than 1000 participants was held in 1981 here in Korea.
More recently I have been associated with PWPA, which has more than 80 national chapters and which is devoted to the cause of peace and justice. This past summer we held the Second International Conference of PWPA in Geneva on the subject of the impending collapse of the Soviet Empire. In 1987 we will hold a conference on the future of China, PWPA has an international scholarly journal on world peace and it sponsors many national and regional projects on peace and justice every year.
Rev. Moon has founded Paragon House, an international publishing company that will bring the fruits of human knowledge to humanity. He founded The Washington Times and Insight magazine in the U.S. and more recently The World and I, a monthly journal of 700 pages that combines the best of journalism and scholarship and that one day will be translated into many languages.
These vast enterprises and others, too many to mention, in the fields of religion and social work reveal only part of Rev. Moon's intense concern for the future of humanity and his broad and inspiring vision. But more than this I have learned from Rev. Moon what true courage and dignity are in the face of imprisonment on a charge of which I know he is not guilty. I visited Rev. Moon in prison and found him radiant, humble, hard-working beyond belief and ceaselessly concerned with the future of mankind. Every sentence he spoke manifested his concern for others and his lack of concern for himself. He is an inspired and inspiring leader and it is my privilege to know him and to work with him.