The Words of the Spencer Family |
Each spiritual experience is a valuable steppingstone on the way to Paradise. We are all products of our inherent natures and adding and subtracting our credits and debits. Throughout the world are people that are adored as being dispensational beings of salvation. As we gain experience, sometimes things don't add up. We can't understand how the objects of our worship can do things that don't seem to make sense. The only answer (for me), is that the prophets and seers that live on earth are truly human beings (99.9% of them). In all of history, there has only been one human being that has lived up to every test of a being of divine origin. And this is in a long line of spiritual leaders such as Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, John the Baptist, Mohammad, the Dali Lama, etc.
I followed Rev. Moon for 13 years, until I came across the Urantia Book. It was there in those pages that I finally came to truly understand who Michael (also known as Joshua ben Joseph or Jesus) is. Now, after some 25 years later---I have come full circle. I came again to love Rev. Moon and to appreciate his heart, his motivation, and his works to unite Christianity and the world with "the heart of a father in the shoes of a servant". I am free to love him and yet to be in the presence of the Lord of Creation-Christ Michael (Jesus Christ). As such, I know that I am now in the perplexing position between those that exclusively follow the Divine Principle and those that follow the Bible. As happened when I discovered The Divine Principle, rapid growth occurred. The very same thing happened when I discovered The Urantia Book. More pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Here are some excerpts from a book related to Urantia. Enjoy.....
"The expression of our Master Jesus when he said, "Take up your cross daily and follow me," states a simple truth. It means for you to daily crucify any negative thoughts and emotions, as well as anything else that hinders your progress on the way to Paradise.
This is also the manner in which you lighten your burden of guilt and shame; when you hand them over to Christ. In eternal spirit reality guilt and shame do not exist, except as a speck of dust blown away by the wind. Can you now see that your earth life is as a beginning kindergarten student that is being prepared for further schooling which is to follow--even before you become a "junior" spirit?
The time intervening between the mortal life and a spirit-life is spent in training on the Morontia or Mansion Worlds (in between physical and spiritual), to which Jesus alluded to when he said, "In My Father's house are many mansions."
There are many abodes where you will be companioned and taught. These are the worlds on which you will be trained, and which are best suited to your innate potential towards actualization. It is quite different from the old Christian view that, 'we die, immediately become perfect, and are transported directly into heaven or hell'. Your progress always depends upon your self-motivation and willingness to move forward, and on how dedicated you are towards self-mastery. The greatest barrier is the Self---the self created Ego---which falsifiies who we really are. It is a defence mechanism, a survival tool.
Your baser nature and its creature tendencies will need to be crucified, so your budding spirit-nature can begin to blossom and flourish in eternal life. In this mortal estate, you are laying the foundation for creating a sincere, honest, love-saturated heart towards all living things and beings, here where you now live, in this universe, and in the universal life beyond.
It is your attitude in your actions… and especially your state of mind, where you will be growing into a greater harmony and balance. I know that I keep repeating Myself here, but it is necessary for you to understand that God desires for you to acquire a close and personal relationship in growing faith and trust in Him. So sacrifice self on the alter of Christ to obtain liberation.
To that glorious end, Jesus, the Creator of this universe, sent The Spirit of Truth at Pentecost, whilst at the same time, the Holy Spirit was gifted to us.
We angels have all volunteered to help each mortal reach that desired estate of eternal life, to each passing day grow into greater perfection. Therefore, practice going into the Stillness in prayer and meditation daily, so that you may be continuously strengthened.
A teachable heart is a responsive heart---responsive to the spirit leadings that flow from Christ. At times you have no idea of where your path in life will lead you, but the more trust and faith you have in Him, the clearer your path will appear to you.
In time to come, you will realize that we have tuned you, so we can play our spirit-melodies upon your spirit nerves. However, these nerves are very delicately formed. You can strengthen them further, by living in love and harmony with yourself, so your mind can help you co-create, and build on your faith in the ultimate Creator, who only desires the best for his evolving offspring.
Amid the cacophony of the world, you can learn to filter out everything that is not for your highest and greatest good. It is in your daily striving to focus on the task at hand, and by being in present-centered awareness, that you are urged to discharge your daily duties with the utmost dedication, in honesty and sincerity, to the glory of God.
Endeavor to live at the spiritual level, while living the life of the flesh. Make an effort to render towards others that which is for their greatest and highest good.
Attempt to live positively, in faith and constant hope, so by your example you may inspire those qualities in others, all the while practicing obedience to the will of God, which at all times is the way with the most love towards self and others.
Think of how you can better take care of yourself, so you do not abuse your physical and mental body with stress and negative thinking, speech, and actions.
Take time to visualize standing next to Jesus and feel His powerful universal love flowing through you. He will be there in reality -- if only your eyes could see." GLW