The Words of the Spencer Family |
Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon, May 21, 2011
In 1975, which was over 35 years ago; but only seems like yesterday -- a group of "Missionaries in Training", gathered at Barrytown for 40 Day Training. Then, we got on airplanes and traveled out to the far corners of the globe to spread the message of The Divine Principle.
Now, after all this time; probably most of those early Unification Church pioneers must have left the church to live out their secular lives. At least; that is the only thing that I can think of; since there seems to be little left of that powerful spirit that drove us. What happened to everyone? I can only speak for my own journey.
Today; my sense of mission is burning very brightly! However, the flame is of a different color than it was in 1975. I believe that God is a living God and Christ is a living and active being. Each spiritual leader that has lived in the world has brought with them; their tools and their gifts. But, I have found out that true physically living Divine Guides are few and far between. One sure sign by which we can know them is their "selflessness". We can talk about being the servants of man and we can do good things but the outward manifestation of a heavenly messenger is the successful diminishment of the "ego" that thing that provides the self with a means of his identification in the world. It's never about me. It's always about Him.
A true dispensational spiritual leader will be a master in selflessness. And, his words must match his lifestyle in order for him to be all that he may say he is. the best example of the True Parent is Jesus.
He lived as a man; experiencing poverty; and suffering without complaint. But, he did not glorify his pain and he did not dwell on it or use it to build himself up. Jesus acceptance of pain was based on his desire to do the will of God and his love for his fellow man. He lived at the same level as his Apostles.
In this sense, Rev. Moon could not be The Lord of the Second Advent. However, he did live a life that is dedicated to God as much as he could understand and as much as he was able to. Even though Rev. Moon is just another spiritually gifted human being; his struggle and his work is noble.
Perhaps the reason why so few 1975 Unification Church missionaries have no passion left is that their growth has been limited due to their clinging to the Divine Principle while it may no longer be able to inspire very much soul growth.
If someone can discount this -- let him speak. Two things that are constants for me are that Jesus Christ, a Paradise Son of the Universal Father -- is our living True Father and the Revelation that is appropriate for our time is The Urantia Book. The second half of the Book is The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ. Take a read and your life may change forever. For me, the biggest challenge was to eliminate the fear and the guilt. These emotions are the reversal of evil -- which is Live.