The Words of the Spencer Family |
Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Ye Jin Moon, and Kook Jin Moon, May 23, 2011
One of the favorite words in Unification Church is "Restoration". According to the philosophy, God gave man certain things to do and laws to obey; and when he failed to do these things -- trouble came in the form of evil, sin, and iniquity. The process of restoration, according to Divine Principle; is the process of "indemnity". The problem with all of this; is that when human beings are entrusted with the responsibility of judging good and evil-- there can be mistakes -- such as creating "blame", "guilt", which leads to fear....which leads to paralysis; the worshipping of supposed divine humans...and on and on.
Human beings are not self-created beings. We had nothing whatsoever to do with how we look, how big we are, how beautiful or ugly we are, and what kind of a heart we have. Since we didn't create ourselves; God has to take responsibility for it. God created human beings to be born totally helpless, self-centered; and ignorant to the world. God also creates spiritual beings, already equipped with intelligence and love. Humans come from the ground, develop their souls, and eventually get to Paradise as perfected spirits. Angels come from God as semi-perfected beings and travel downward so that they can help their human brethren. All beings have the capability to fall from their positions -- as did a very high angel--Lucifer. Most humans live out their entire lives on earth without graduating from kindergarten; although some become self-realized during their earth lives.
So, knowing that God is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient -- occupies the circle of eternity, the past, present, and future -- and if He is a God of unconditional love (which is eternal)---is it logical that He would set up conditions so that his created children could fail -- and then punish them for his own gratification? Humans are each living out a cosmic drama -- but it is a drama whose purpose is the development of human beings into high spiritual entities. We go through our trials and tribulations for the purpose of training. In truth -- this is a test, it's only a test.
God is the True Parent. A true parent does not keep score. A True Parent is total forgiveness -- in a True Parents love -- no guilt, no shame, no fear, no retribution can occur, except for correctional purposes. It is us children that have to deal with our own failures -- we create our own blame, fear, and guilt. This does not come from the Creator; and it should never come from one human to another; except in the case of major evil that is done to harm others; in which case when mercy is expired; and justice must prevail -- then it is handled through a societal justice system.
Since the universe is vast; and has millions of inhabited worlds and trillions of intelligent created beings in it -- God has been there; done that; many many times before throughout eons of time.
Sometimes we little humans put a lot of emphasis on our little lives on this little blue marble. We need to step back; and realize that God has a plan for the universe; and for each one of our individual lives.
We have to constantly remind ourselves that we are His children, and He loves each one of us. Through prayer -- uploading our "stuff" to Him; and through downloading -- Meditation -- where we get into our Center -- the eye of the storm -- and allow His Love, Mercy, Grace, Inspiration, and Guidance -- and through serving our fellow man -- can we find His Will for our lives -- which is the path with the greatest love in it.
The more we go into our quiet spaces; the more opportunity for Christ and the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts through the Spirit of Truth.