The Words of the Takigawa Family |
Myung Moon, family and friends May 1, 2011
Our French sister and Mom to many, Colette Takigawa, will share with us. She caught God's vision of His will for her life in 1975 and entered CARP. Thereafter, she joined the One World Crusade Team in England and received the mission in the Inter-religious International Relief Foundation (IIRF) in France. In 1980, she led the first IIRF European medical team in Africa.
In 1982, July 1st, she and her new husband, Dr. Yasuhumi Takigawa, were blessed
And they, then, worked together with an international medical team in Central Africa, Zambia and Uganda. At the end of 1988, their growing family went to Japan.
From 1994 until 1999, Colette returned often to Uganda to help. In 1999, her family (now 2 daughters and 2 sons) went to live in Korea to learn Korean culture and language. Shortly thereafter, she joined the 84 Peace Ambassadors representatives of 7 providential nations in Seoul.
Her present mission is working with Universal Peace Federation(UPF) in Seoul.
Her family is both here in Japan, where her husband is a medical doctor, and in Korea.
Dr. Colette Takigawa has so much depth in heart and love for Heaven and God's Children. She has a lot to share. We hope you can all attend!