The Words of the Theriot Family |
What I am saying is, Tossa [Cromwell], a blessed child, took one for the team because we did not slay the "beast" ourselves. It certainly is a scary proposition. Sometimes fear is a good guide. When we feel fear, we may be close to the place when we can resolve things. Closer to the source, if you will. I have faced many challenges in the church and outside the church. I have only felt fear to my core when dealing with spiritual matters that involved me to take personal initiative.
Every time I persevered/endured/followed my conscience in spite of fear to the core of my being, great result occurred. Here are a few examples:
1) NY CARP Douglaston Workshop Site: Central Figure -- Satoro Sasano, My position -- Western Lecturer. Other staff included Mr. Miyazawa (now at Kodan), Mr. Sakai (now state leader of Texas), Ann Nilson (mother figure).
Situation -- we were bringing lots of guests, and we had a strong percentage of guests joining actionizing program. The problem was we were losing a large portion of those new members within a few weeks of the actionizing -- when they were dropped off alone they would simply dissapear. I was aware of this trend so I tried to figure out what was happening. I noticed the way Ann and Mr Sasano were talking about the new Korean sister Chum Rae sent to help out at work shop. To me she was a Godsend. She loved bombed the guests so completely and purely, that she made my job so much easier. However, our early morning meetings were filled "How horizontal" Chum Rae was and she was soon kicked out (sent to a different mission). That was a bit of a shock to me. The next thing was that our Mother figure had a miscarriage. This deeply troubled me because I did not know she was pregnant.
I began to pray about the idea of expressing concerns to Mr. Sasano, I was filled to fear at my core. I was not afraid for myself, although Mr Sasano was a VERY physical leader. I felt accused with unworthy feelings, who am I to open my mouth. I was literally trembling in fear during my prayer. After the third day of this, I got up and went upstairs and went into Mr Sasano's room, knelt on the floor and began what turned out to be a five hour confrontation. It became extremely heated. I never left the position I took next to the wall, nor backed down from my premise that we are doing "something" wrong. When I say very heated, I mean it. He took a swing at me. I leaned back a bit and his fist went through the wall next to my head literally through to the other side. That was about an hour into the "discussion." Within a few hours miracles began to happen, first 2 guests that had sneaked out of the workshop site returned. Then calls started coming in from the different team captains that some of the new members returned. These reports were given to Mr. Sasano as we were sitting in his room. Eventually, I realized that I took my case as far as I could take it and went to comfort our workshop guests. NY CARP became the victorious witnessing to native New Yorkers.
2) I got involved in an attempt to reconcile In Jin Nim with James Park and was fired for it. There are many good things that came from that confrontation, but none were immediately apparent. Similar fear, similar results.
3) This petition drive. [Petition below] Similar fear, hopefully good results. We are doing "something wrong" and I have no intention of backing down until we figure it out. True Mother may be bound by morals that the members donated the money to UCI and therefore she can't stop the lawsuits without our "signing off" on the goal of putting family before money. I don't know of exactly how members of FFWPU we have in USA, but I picked the goal of 5,000 because I think it represents more that half of our membership. By signing the petition you are telling Mother, "its ok, save Hyun Jin Nim, don't worry about the money." For me, that is 4 years of my life on MFT.
John Theriot
www.thepetitionsite.com/428/094/046/petition-of-unifictionists-to-end-the-unnecessary- lawsuits/
Target: FFWPU International, UPF, HSA Japan, DM Joo, Peter Kim
Sponsored by: John Theriot
There are no winners in the lawsuits that are currently underway. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the spiritual head of the entire Unification Movement has called for their end. So let's stand together with her to express our concern to the leaders who initiated these lawsuits. Stop the Lawsuits Now!
Please note that July 4 is set as the end for this petition campaign. Please help to make July 4 "Freedom from Lawsuits Day" by informing your family and friends about the risks involved by these lawsuits. Please ask them to sign this petition. Let us do everything we can to make our voices heard.
John Theriot