The Words of the Vanalderwelt Family |
Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon, July 16, 2011
Before this workshop, I never really had a spiritual experience. During this 40-day workshop I have been through many ups and downs mostly in the beginning, because my fallen nature was quite strong.
After 2 weeks, I had joined the Chanyang team and worked hard to follow its rules and standard. During the Chanyang, I still struggled with being awake and energetic. One day, I had a really great session. I felt energy, coming from nowhere. I sang very loud and clapped very hard during that session. At the end of this Chanyang session, during the Tamshimga song, I felt something moving in my heart which I never felt before, a strong feeling of love.
During the prayer time I wondered what it was, some kind of heart attack or any illness, but after a few seconds I thought of my grandparents who passed this year and felt them beside. I started to feel I had so much to share with them as I had never really talked to them. Since that time, I try to give my best, knowing my grandparents and ancestors were around and try to give them happiness by showing them my investment in this workshop.
Victor Yoshitaka Vanalderwelt, 18 years old, 2nd Gen, North Church