The Words of the Ablong Family |
From Part 1, I said:
Looking for answers to every question and solutions for every problem is still the best way towards perfection. In this way, we can fulfill the purpose of our existence for one another and when we do this every time we are faced with challenges, it becomes a habit. Aristotle once said, "Perfection is not just a matter of action, it is a matter of habit"
We only get what we expect out of life and people only treat us the way we treat ourselves and allow them. So let's solve problems, present solutions, get organized, get over complications and create something new.
The sooner we do it, the better.
Some people can't seem to stand up to others' faults and failures. They seem to see more of others' weaknesses and mistakes more than their own. Some would tell them to clean their backyard first before asking others to clean theirs. The other way is to tell them to clean their eyes of dirt and dust first so they could look at others clearly and help them clean their eyes more efficiently. This kind of contradiction in our life is completely understandable and forgivable. Without the fall, contradictions are impossible.
Each of us have different personality traits, body types, blood types, emotional intelligence and may even fall into each of the different traits of multiple intelligence. Each of these natural categories is influenced by our spirituality, physical uniqueness, genetics, family and cultural background, emotional and intellectual experience. Psychology tells us that "no two people are alike" and we adapt to our environment based on how we respond to different kinds of stimuli affecting both our physical and social make-up. In the Principle, we call this one individual uniqueness.
Our ability to relate to each other is natural. It is a result of God's creation process. We say that we are individual truth bodies destined to interact with each and every thing in the universe as inter-connected bodies. Although, our fallen habits tend to dominate our daily activities, our conscience never gives up an inch of its area of truth, beauty and goodness. Although, we have fallen attributes from our first ancestors, we still have a speck of the original mind that sees us and reminds us what's right and wrong.
Our conscience is our spiritual, natural and eternal navigating instrument for love, existence and relationships according to God's. Being blessed members or Unificationists do not immunize us from the minions of fallen habits and dominions of evil around us. It's true that we have been saved by True Parents through the blessing on the condition that we fulfill our portion of responsibility.
Sometimes, perfection without heart and reason, information and consideration is a form of disease. It is good and helpful when it is tempered with practical judgment and reason. It is bad and dangerous when done out of selfish want for public or official recognition. I have heard a few people coming to me about irresponsible actions and judgments of leaders and elders. Like most of us, we are victims of this terrible and constipating malady. But, complaining and gossiping about it is not healthy. It should be shared respectfully to people who are concerned.
Perfection is impossible without heart and character. Heart is the center of one's personality and it is usually expressed in words and actions that affect people's behavior and response. While we believe that each of us is a personality of God, I still do not have God's personality if I do not have His heart centered on God and True Parents.
Perfection also involves helping our leaders' and elder members learn and recover from their mistakes or failures, too. It means taking responsibility for our complaints and helping them accomplish the purpose of our complaint. As Unificationists, it is natural for us to watch each other and to help each other because we are keepers of each other. Sometimes, we forget that the best way to be understood is to say what we mean and mean what we say clearly in a nice and acceptable language.
Expressing our dislikes, frustrations and disappointments in a nice way takes a lot of self-control and matured language to be heard. Just as we don't want anyone to be shouting at us at the top of his lungs when we are close by because it breaks our hearts and eardrums, we don't want people presenting their ideas in a pack of foul, vindictive and hurtful language. It's better to take a pensive walk for a while in the park when this thing happens. We don't put out a fire using fire. So, when the firing occurs don't get in the line of it. Avoid it and keep your cool. Chances are, the person who speaks the most is the one at fault and you end up helping him than making him worse.
Sometimes judgment is good to make things straight. But how and when we deliver that judgment is important. There is always a difference between the judgment of a ruler and a father or between an authoritarian stranger and from an endearing brother. We resent being mortified in front of people. We don't like it when people bad-mouth or say negative things about us. That is natural. Nobody wants to live in the mud or in the pile of garbage. There are who those who do but those are people who have chosen to learn and to live that kind of life. For some, it is better to keep things going from one ear to the other. In that way, less energy is spent listening to stressful or hateful judgment.
Loving our enemy means also loving our leaders and elders of the church who seem to be not doing well. Loving them could mean spending a little time with them and listening to them without any word of hate, judgment or argument. Literally, just keeping the other person talk and listening to what he is talking about helps a lot. Sometimes, it is better to listen than to talk.
We must not forget that communication is a two-way street. We all have our lanes and rules of etiquette to follow. These lanes and rules apply to everyone so harmony and peace is attained for all.