The Words of the Ablong Family |
Dear Western Japan Philippine Blessed Members,
You are more important than a thousand yen!
Your presence is more important than money right now. Donation is not just money. In Unification Church, donation can either be money, time and effort. If you think about it, money is a product of time or effort or both. We have to move away from the domination of physical money without consideration of time and effort in our life of faith. Let's also give focus on time and effort.
The Y1,000 registration fee is for one family including children and qualified guests. Giving beyond that amount becomes an individual choice. It will go to the rental of our venue and any extra amount raised from this will go our regional fund.
For guests, please remember that we will be sharing about our current situation, individual experiences and witnessing strategies in Japan. Please refer to previous letters about our fellowship meeting in Saga.
Please remember that there is a need to look at ourselves as Unification Church ministers in Japan. All the passages in 1 Tim 3:1-13, 2 Tim 2:1-13, Titus 1:5-9. Acts 6:1-6 and Exodus 18:21-22 can be summarized in 4 words: commitment, conviction, competence and character. Unification Church members, especially those of us in Japan who underwent missionary training, are all qualified. More than this biblical passages, we have to look at our religious experiences based on True Father's teachings to recognize this very fundamental reality about our presence in Japan. We are all very potential ministers of our church if we let God and True Parents mold us. So let us overcome our challenges of materials (money) and environment in order to fulfill our specific providential objectives.
See you there.
Rev. Rafael E. Ablong
1st National Vice-Executive Minister and
Western Japan Regional Minister
Philippine Unification Church
Ministry in Japan (PUCMJ)