The Words of the Ablong Family |
There are two very important components to our life of faith: traditions and conditions. Traditions are important to keep us grow and connected to the central root of God's providence: True Parents and the Original Divine Principle.
According to Rev. Dr. Chang Shiok Yong, UM Continental Director for Asia, there basically ten traditions that we need to practice:
1. Tradition of Prayer and Jung Sung (internal condition to comfort the heart of God and True Parents, prayers for your leaders, family members, brothers and sisters 3 times a day).
2. Tradition of Hoon Dok Hae (usually done at 5 a.m.-- Reading of True Parents words).
3. Tradition of Divine Principle Lecturing -Read the Divine Principle, (all the 8 Books of True Parents)
4. Tradition of Witnessing – start with 3 spiritual children, 12, 21, 40, 120...
5. Tradition of Education (should finish 3-days seminar, 7, 21, 40)
6. Tradition of Tithing (giving back the ten per cent of whatever you earn to God. This will be reported to Philippine UM Headquarters). You may send it to:
Dear Philippine Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you so much for your continuous support and dedicated sacrifice for God's Providence in the Philippines and here in Japan. I am so inspired by your commitment and continuing efforts to build an ideal family while working for the community, tribe, nation and world.
The UPF Seminars are still ongoing together with the EDP 100x reading condition and Thailand-based Divine Principle Seminars. Since the UPF seminars and similar educational programs and activities are continuing, we would like to ask every one to donate to our PUCMJ Activity Fund Y1,000 every month. You may choose to send it as a yearly donation of Y12,000 (Y1,000). Please send your donations to this activity fund thru:
We will use the money from this fund to:
A. Support for UPF Seminars and future church activities
B. Invite Key Leaders in the Philippines for a Bi-Annual Lecture or Conference with Philippine members in Japan
Ishikawa Kazuyo
Post Office Account
17450 -6841851
7. Tradition of Missionary Life (should serve at least 3 countries)
8. Tradition of Ahn Shi Il (Reading and Prayer at 5 a.m. every 8 days – ask about the Ahn Shi Il Calendar, hpcgi3.nifty.com/NAKAZAWA/ancale.cgi)
9. Tradition of Tribal Messiah (educating and blessing your tribe)
10. Tradition of Faith (absolute sex, absolute faith, absolute love, absolute obedience)
Please consult your leader about the specifics of each traditions and how conditions are offered.
Rev. Rafael E. Ablong
National Executive
Philippine Unification Church Ministry in Japan