The Words of the Ablong Family |
Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon, September 11, 2011
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
To cut on remittance expenses, those who are living in Japan may now send their donations for the UPF 1-Day Seminars on the Five Principles of Peace in 165 Holy Ground Sites in the Philippines thru:
Jun Granada
Post Office Bank
Account Number
10070 74895781
Philippine UPF President, Prof. Joseph Navalta wrote that these seminars are a condition to restore national sovereignty in the Philippines by 2013. This is why Dr. Chung Sik Yong, Continental Director of Asia, started to set Holy Grounds in 165 cities and key areas across the nation.
A mixture of holy salt and soil coming from the Holy Grounds where the four major religions originated such as Islam (Mecca), Buddhism (Nepal), Christianity (Israel) and Confucianism (China) as well as Unificationism (Korea) was implanted in each city/ municipality. These Holy Grounds are a symbol of Unity, Peace and Harmony as well as an emblem to invite Heavenly Fortune and Blessing to come to the community.
Following the completion of these 165 Holy Grounds across the nation, 1-Day UPF 5 Principles of Peace Seminars are being held and organized in all 165 cities and municipalities since May 2011. From then on until now, seminars with the theme "The Need for Vision and Leadership at a Time of Global Crisis have been conducted in 54 sites. The said seminars proved to be a great way for us to introduce True Parents vision to the top leaders of each city and for them to support our endeavors for peace. Moreover, because of such seminars, brothers and sisters became more empowered to invite and mobilize members of their tribes to attend the said workshops.
In order for us to successfully accomplish the 1-Day UPF Seminars in all the 165 holy ground sites, we are in need of greater resources in order to cover the expenses of holding such activities. With the generous support of people like you, we will be able to achieve UPF's vision for peace in this country and claim sovereignty in this nation.
Please take note that tithes and donations are not the same. What we are requested to do now is to donate for the success of these seminars. Donations are sometimes not fixed or specified. They are naturally unspecified amounts of money, time, and effort. It should come naturally from the heart and should be an act of total giving out of love, not out of duty. There are several passages in the Bible that says about charity or giving donations (money, effort or services, and time). But the one that touches me most is in the 2nd Book of Corinthians 9:6-7. It says, but this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.
As Unificationists, we always make it a point to give out of love. We do it out of our utmost concern for others who need money or things more than us. I remember Rev. Leonita Elnar-Machado, telling me a long time at the university where we attended college that "if you suffer because you have no good shoes think about those who have no feet. If we agonize over the kind of life we live as missionaries of the faith, think about those who are suffering because of being faithless. We may be suffering because of what we give to the world, but to us this is already heaven.
We should not think of being rewarded in the end when we give something. Giving is simply what it is. We give because we love doing it. In the principle of give and take action, all existence, action and multiplication occur centering on love. So giving should be a natural emotional or heartistic experience with the desire to make others happy or fulfilled.
The providence is moving faster each day so we need to support these UPF seminars to accomplish the internal condition of educating the people. When we restore people, we restore three of God's creations after the fall: His children, His creation (money and things) and time. In short, when we restore people, we are restoring everything because man is at the center of God's creation. Thus, we can say that God's love for man is the reason why He created everything in the universe. Things are made to support man's existence. So when we restore people, we restore things.
Let us support this effort of our brothers and sisters in the Philippines so we can accomplish more from this time on until January 13, 2013. There will still be a lot of challenges now and in the future but if we put our efforts together, we can move mountains and become victorious in our common effort to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Take note of the important information for sending our important financial support. Let us be victorious in educating our countrymen, our tribe and the world through these seminars. Let us support it from where we are. The time has come.
Thank you.
Rev. Rafael E. Ablong,
Vice-National Executive Minister for
External Affairs Philippine Unification Church Ministry in Japan
Noted by:
Rev. Dante Negre
National Executive Minister
Philippine Unification Church
Ministry in Japan
Rev. Roy Carumba
Vice-National Executive Minister for Internal
Affairs Philippine Unification Church Ministry in Japan