The Words of the Ablong Family |
Dear Brothers in Sisters,
It is not so easy for us to continue on taking from our family funds or resources if we do not feel we have the capacity to replenish it. To overcome or divert this feeling, we have to look at our own suffering in trying to help the ongoing constructions and interfaith activities as an internal condition to make the providence succeed. Whether we contribute financially or suffer because we cannot contribute financially, we are putting all these good conditions of heart together to make a very good offering to Heavenly Father and True Parents for this great and special time.
Let us continue to support our Philippine providence financially and spiritually. Right now, Philippine Hqs or Cheonygeong Gung construction is slowing down or put on hold because of the need to financially support the Interfaith Blessing mobilization in Ilo-ilo on August 11, Bacolod on August 26, Cebu in September, then Manila next year Jan. 12, 2013.
Looking at our 3rd 40-day national Jeong Seong Condition from this viewpoint will make us aware that the IFB mobilization is basically the foundation of substance, the 40-days condition of 12 minutes prayer centering on the 11 prayer points provided by our National Leader, Rev. Julius Malicdem, is the foundation of faith. All these foundations are for receiving our True Parents in the Philippines in January 2013 and for the substantial construction of the physical nation of Cheon Il Guk.
We are all in this dispensation brothers and sisters. Our united heart and determination to accomplish the goal matters a lot to Heaven and True Parents. As Dr. Yong said, our budget is Heavenly Father. Heaven will provide through anyone among us or from someone outside the Philippine movement to make us succeed in this great endeavor.
I have seen brothers and sisters in the frontline especially the full-time mobilizers losing sleep, food and leisure because of this ongoing events. I slept with them once on uncarpeted or unpadded concrete floor. Some of them just literally fall asleep as soon as they hit the floor due to exhaustion. Some of them feel burned-out because of the internal condition of Hoon Dok Hae, prayer and fasting while doing the mobilization but they just continue.
I truly sympathize with their difficulties. They are suffering not because they like it or because they desire to be recognized, they are doing it because they love God and True Parents, brothers and sisters, their families and our country. I have never seen such young people burning with enthusiasm and will power to continue the mobilization to the end.
We can support them through our prayers but more than prayers, we need to support them financially. There is a way to do this and it all depends on how united and connected we are with our spouses or families, with True Parents and brothers and sisters in the movement. Nothing is impossible when husband and wife truly work together to help God, True parents and brothers and sisters achieve the goal.
Please remember Father's words before. It is in time of hardships and difficulties when giving or sharing what we have becomes even more precious. Even when we are suffering, let us try to contribute financially. It is the heart of trying to give when Heaven truly showers its blessings upon all of us and grant us the power to succeed in everything that we want to do. II Corinthians 9:7 says, "each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Let us empower ourselves brothers and sisters by the same power that True Parents have used to move mountains, create miracles and bring success during hard times, the power of true love.
True love, brothers and sisters will empower us to look for solutions and succeed for the greater glory of Heaven and peace on earth. Let us continue brothers and sisters, let us continue to help and succeed every step of the way.
Thank you.
Raffy Ablong