The Words of the Ablong Family |
Dear Philippine Brothers in Japan,
I am very sorry for the confusion.
The Donation for the 3rd and Final Blessing for Philippine brothers based in Japan is Y300,000.
This has been confirmed by Kuya Dante Negre, PUCMJ President after he received the call from Ria Ame of Philippine Headquarters based on a previous official memorandum.
Thank you.
Raffy Ablong
This is for FILIPINO brothers based in Japan only. Filipino brothers, please do not be confused by the donations of other countries and groups. Let us follow our Philippine Unification Church hierarchy. Vertical alignment, please. Each country has its own providential responsibilities, events and challenges. Think of the donation as a way to express our gratitude to Heavenly Father and True Parents whether you can fulfill or not.
In God's providence, numbers are goals to be fulfilled and they don't change because the situations of central persons or individual members or families change like: 120 days of building the ark, Jesus's resurrection after 3 days, 3 Great Blessings. In short, providential numbers revealed by God through his prophets and chosen leaders are unchangeable because they serve a purpose for the restoration of heart. It is up to us how to fulfill that goal or how to behave ourselves when we can't fulfill it. There are a few ways to perceive this donation but let us keep them within the principle, especially the principle of restoration through indemnity which is always emphasized by True Mother these past few days.
Japan (mother nation) members have a bigger donation for this 3rd and final blessing. Philippine (daughter nation) members (Filipino brothers based in mother nation Japan) have our specific donation for the blessing (Y300,000).
It is really hard to compare and question the faith and destiny of the Philippines and the reality that we are all part of this great endeavor. Whether we have the money to donate or are suffering internally because we do not have the money to donate matters internally when we are united in heart and action.
Cheers brothers and sisters!!
There is always a light behind the clouds and prayers have answers when we deeply pray and connect our situation to God, True Parents.
Good luck to all our efforts. Gambarimasho.
Thank you.
Rafael Enriquez Ablong