The Words of the Ablong Family |
Dear Kyushu-Okinawa Based Brothers and Sisters,
This invitation to support the scholarship of one (1) IPLC student is open to all Philippine brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. One student is about Y35,000 per semester depending on the fluctuating peso exchange rate of the yen.
According to IPLC Dean Cirilo Jagopaas, IPLC tuition fees and miscellaneous are:
1. 67% discount on Tuition (1,500) 500 x 24 = 12,000.00
2. Miscellaneous (computer, library, ID etc.) = 3,050.00 Total (Tuition and Miscellaneous) = 15,050.00/sem
Other Fees:
3. Uniform (School and TIMD Uniform) = 2,500.00
4. Food Budget (500 per week with 3 meals) = 2,000.00
5. Dormitory (Free) = 00000.00
6. 10 days seminar = 800.00
7. School allowances
If 12 families are fully involved, at the rate of P4,350 pesos per 10,000 (rate for June 12, 2013) for example, we will contribute 1,268.75 or roughly 1,500 yen for each family per semester. The twice a year (1,500x 2 semesters = Y3000) contribution may be lumped together to pay for a year's tuition. The more families are involved, the cheaper is the contribution.
Please send your contributions for this scholarship to this account number: Ishikawa Kazuyo
Postal Bank Account No. 17450-6841851
Remember, we are all in this together. One family cannot do this alone.
After sending the money or for detail about this, please send an email to meor post a message on my facebook account.
Thank you for your support.
Raphael Enriquez Ablong