The Words of the Ablong Family |
Donation of Heart and Gratitude for Omma, send to: Hoshino
Deadline: Friday, 7 pm -- will bring to Korea on
Donations after the deadline will be given thru Rev. Tito
Dear Philippine Blessed Families,
The passing of our former Continental Director, Rev. Dr. Julia Kim, is making us all think about her life, works, indomitable and sterling examples as a heavenly daughter. With her transition to the heavenly spirit world, a new era of unity, heavenly governance and providential achievements is born.
If we think about it, Heavenly Parents have really used her as an instrument of success in the midst of the most challenging and media-hyped history of Philippine church from the mid-1990s to the first decade of the second millennium. Her spiritual indomitability centered on God's love was unparalleled.
She was called the "woman general" of the movement due to her unwavering and unrelenting spirit of truthful persuasion as well her indefatigable work as a leader of missionaries. Her strongest and most passionate efforts touched the hearts and conscience of the nation amidst the raging persecution. Her tearful persuasion to the VIP journalists, police, military and academic figures have become legendary. The pinnacle of her work were greatly manifested during the global peace festivals that have become a measure of success in terms of social acceptability and as a foundation for our movement in the mainstream.
We cannot completely describe everything she has done. Through her sincere efforts, True Parents recognized our existence and mission in Japan as an extension of the church movement in the Philippines and in Asia. She was strong but loving in her words, persistent and resilient in her belief that we still possessed the spirit and the conscience to help the providential events move forward. Through her couple, our FFWPU FilJap's existence in Japan (a.k.a. commando before) became responsive and so useful to the movement.
It is a time of great reflection, brothers and sisters. We are the first generation in this wilderness (Japan). With Omma's transition to the spirit world, the emphasis of our mission has strongly shifted to the second generation, our children, and the accomplishment of our tribal mission. Rev. Dr. Yong, the Special Emissary of True Parents and our Asian Continental Director aptly said it last Sunday, he "will bring the 1st generation to Canaan (the promised land of the Philippines) by training and educating the 2nd generation. The parents will naturally follow their children out of love. By seriously attending to our children's education, we will naturally accelerate our work for the restoration of our tribe. The protection of the individual is in the family. The protection of the family is in the tribe. Tribes build the nation and the nation protects the tribe."
Most of us have crossed the mid-life. We are all preparing for the spirit world. We are all going there in different ways, slowly or quickly. There is no turning back once we die. We cannot return to the physical world, once we get to the spirit world. Going to the heavenly world then is a better choice. We all have finished the formula course for the blessing but we are not yet done with the task and responsibility to build the kingdom of Heaven on earth so we can go there when our time comes. We are building that kingdom through our children and tribe. Again as Dr. Yong said, we become the royal family of that kingdom, (pledge number 3), by doing our mission and responsibility for the tribe and the 2nd generation.
We do not just owe our lives to Heavenly Parents and True Parents, we also owe it to the people who connected Us to Them. We owe it to the love and connection provided by our former continental directors' love, sweat and tears. Let us show our love and gratitude to her in this great moment of transition for success, goodness and happiness.
Let us offer our monetary donations from the heart as an expression of our deep love, thankfulness and gratitude for Mrs, Julia Chung Hae Kim, our former co-continental director, to this account.
Thanks to all of us who have stayed on to accomplish our collective mission and responsibility for God and His Kingdom. Let us continue to express our love and gratitude, responsibility and commitment to Heavenly Parents, the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind.
Rev. Rafael E. Ablong
West Japan District
Secretary-General FFWPU-FilJap
Noted by:
Rev. Dante Negre
Regional Executive Director