The Words of the Ablong Family |
Countdown to the Blessing Rally in February 1, 2015 90 Days to Mobilize for Tribal Messiah Mission to Contribute
IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO FROM NOW TO THE END OF JANUARY 2015 -- Based on the latest speech of our Continental Director, Rev. Dr. Yong: Tribal Messiah Mobilization
All leaders including the national leader and the continental director are doing this mission. Nobody is exempted. Other blessed families are fulfilling their tribal mission.
Specific direction for Tribal Messiah Mission and 2nd Generation Training In Thailand:
1. Blessed families in Japan should choose one blessed family in the Philippines who is doing the tribal messiah mission. Start with 3 couples, 12 couples, until you can have 430 couples.
Families in Japan can work together to support one family in the Philippines and visit them occasionally every year.
Contact the blessed couples you know who are already doing it in the Philippines and talk how you can help.
Talk and find a way to gain some spiritual children from the tribe of tribes. Example: 40-60 or 50-50 or whatever so you can gain some progress in goal of 430 tribe members (this could be for Cain or for Abel Tribe)
Work together with another family to financially support and physically mobilize to educate and train the tribe members until they fulfill the 3-days ceremony to become blessed families. Support them so that they can attend the 144,000 Rally in February 1st. Everyone including parents and children should make the best effort to attend the 144,000 blessing rally in February 1, 2015.
Rev. Rafael E. Ablong
FFWPU Filjap
Noted by:
Rev. Dante Negre
FFWPU Filjap
Executive Director