The Words of the Acosta Family |
Tribal Activity of Councilor Raul Caballero of Nabunturan, Compostela Valley
Prince Acosta
February 8, 2008
Councilor Raul Caballero of Nabunturan who is a blessed member of UM Philippines made his scholarship program called Iskolar ni Raul. It is said to be a continuous education for future leaders. The 31 grantees of Iskolar ni Raul have their 1-day seminar and community service in Nabunturan, Compostela Valley. The grantees are conducting a monthly community service as part of their training sponsored by Concilor Raul Caballero. The monthly salary of Hon. Raul Caballero is allotted to sponsor the scholarship program for the 31 scholars from the different barangays of Nabunturan.
In addition, with this public service these young scholars are trained to become leaders of the future with principle and dignity.
The 1-day activity was composed of cognitive activity such as lectures on Principles of Creation; topics like The importance of unity of subject and object, the dual nature of creations, the purpose of creation and nature and God. In the afternoon, they organized themselves into teams to work and clean inside and the vicinity of Nabunturan public market. After the community service, the scholars have their group reflection and individual reflection of the activity conducted for the day.
Some scholars were shy at the beginning, but as the cleaning goes when they received positive feedback from the community people, the scholars became more inspired in cleaning their respective areas. One scholar reflected, "I felt happy to work for community especially when I am with my co-scholars. I learned much from this day in our lectures as well as in cleaning the public market, I value now not to litter anywhere", Catherine Villamor. The scholars had also their brain-storming of what their next activity they will conduct. The result of their discussion was that their next activity will be tree-planting. They are preparing the necessary letters and study to do the tree-planting project as their next activity.
They would like to give thanks to the government of Nabunturan, Compostela Valley especially the Hon. Macario Humol and the public market administration for supporting them in their project.