The Words of the Altomare Family |
Dear Family:
Col. Pak sends his personal hello to you in San Francisco. On March 28, 1964, there will be a National Karate Championship held here in Washington. Mr. (Joon) Rhee is the chairman of this championship and actually it is a Divine Principle endeavor because we are using all the money from it towards an operation for Mr. Yoo, the Chief Disciple (President Hyo Wan Eu), so that he can walk again. Karate experts from all over the US are coming to participate in it, so we are praying that many people will buy tickets to see it. It is interesting to note that Mr. Rhee, as you may know, is noted for his "flying kick" with his right leg. His flying kick is practically unsurpassed in the Karate world. The principle of restitution is really working in this tournament because it is Mr. Yoo's right leg which does not function -- "leg for leg."
Last night at our regular Sunday meeting we had a new member join us name Bill Walls. He heard the Divine Principles just the day before from Richard Wood and is now one of our most dedicated and dynamic "core" members. There are many ready ones -- all we have to do is find them. He was really ready. After the lecture, he gave a powerful witness which moved the newcomers and uncommitted members and which particularly moved us, the regular members. The Divine Principles is just wonderful beyond words to have the power to change a quiet, polite and humble Marine Corp Corporal from Tennessee to the vibrant, zealous and committed Divine Principle soldier that we saw last night. He has found a real war to fight, he has found the "True Army," he has found the greatest battle to ever be waged, a fight to the death.
In Our Lord and Father's Precious Name, Alea Altomare.