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DEP-ED Region III Launches SHSP For Public High Schools
Randy Ame
April 2, 2007
Angeles City, Philippines
Two hundred three student-participants attended the one-day orientation launched by Dep-Ed Region III for Self-Help Scholarship Training Program held at the covered court of Francisco G. Nepomuceno Memorial National High School (FGNMNHS) in Angeles City, Pampanga last April 2, 2007.
Headed by Dr. Dinah Mindo, Dep-Ed Regional Director of Region III, the top students from different divisions of Pampanga, Bulacan, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija and Bataan were gathered for the launching of the WCARP scholarship program. Ms. Maria Celina L. Vega, School Principal of FGNMNHS gave the welcomes remarks. In her remarks, she open the mind of the participants for such a great opportunity to be in a program that it is not only concern on the studies of students but also rear them to be a better person and an to be a world class leader.
The remarks of Ms. Vega was reinforced and further proven when the video showing of WCARP activity was shown. In addition to the activities, Service for Peace video was presented to show the experiential aspect of the leadership training of WCARP. Bro. Edgar Tanate, PTARP secretary-general also gave an inspirational message after the video showing. He said in his talk that "Having the right values will lead us to a stronger nation." Also he said that this is the direction of SHSP and PTARP will guide student towards the fulfillment of this advocate.
Dr. Crispina Zafra, Regional Supervisor of Values Education Region III presented the purpose of the program and in her talk she emphasized the uniqueness of the scholarship program to all other scholarship programs that exist in the country. After the Dr. Zafra, TIMD gave an intermission number to break the seriousness of the program and showed the values that SHSP is giving to the student.
The present scholars of Self-Help had given their testimonies on how they were trained to be better person and also shared education they had received while they are with the program.
Dr. Michael Zablan, UM National Leader, gave the orientation proper to the participants. He started the orientation by challenging the student and opening their eye with the real situation we have by saying that we are carrying a culture that will not allow us to prosper but continuously put us into more and more evil society. That's why he said that a changed in our values system is very important. Not only to change individual but also to bring change to our society and this is what SHSP through WCARP is heading for. After the exposure of the present situation of our values system, he started to talk on the values that every Self-Help is embodying.
Students express their interest in the program and ask for the schedule of the 21 days seminar.
Hwang Gum-bin, Youth Ambassador from Sun Moon University, Korea, leads the students on the recitation of the Pure Love Pledge.
Dr. Aldrin Nituma, WCARP-Philippine President closed the program with his invitation and encourage more the students to undergo the series of seminar that they had to undergo to be completely qualified in the program.
The program ended with a picture taking and also announcing their schedule of their 21 days workshop, that Dr. Zafra herself offered the school as a venue of their workshop.
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