The Words of the Ang Family |
counselors Joni Ang and Melissa Pumphrey sing at the campfire.
I am your Father speaking to you. I've been so lonely for thousands of years. I've waited for you so long. All of history has been the preparation for you to be born on this earth. I've been so sad, but now you've brought joy to my heart. I love you so much. I've unlocked the door. All you have to do is open it.
True Father loves you so much. You're all so special to the restoration of this world. This time don't fail my son, my third son! Don't let Satan claim him. He's already been so close to dying. We need you to protect him.
Your brother Heung Jin Nim is a light for the world. He's given up so much. Please go to him. After his accident he had to suffer more than anything. Please love him. The people of the past failed me. Please don't you fail me.
You needed this example of Heung Jin Nim's sacrifice. Only the True Parents and some of True Family have experienced my true heart. Now you are experiencing it. Please take me into your heart and never kick me out. I'm putting my trust in you. Your ancestors are helping you now. Please accept their help and come close to me.
You have been praying to me every night. You don't know how grateful I've been for this love you've given me. You've restored my heart. You loved me back. And you must love your fullest, too. You must! You must also unite this dormitory. And when you do unite, it means you can also unite the world.
You have united in some ways, but have you really tried your fullest? Have you been going places together? Loving each other unconditionally? Trying to communicate? How much do you pray to me out of 24 hours? I need to be with you all the time. I need to be with you forever! I'm holding your hand. Please come with me. I've been trying to reach you. Now you've gotten closer to me, but I need you to come to me fully. I want to give you all my love!
It doesn't matter what language you speak or the color of your skin. I love you more than you can imagine. You're special. For me to lose you would be to lose this whole universe. Please help me with the restoration; I can't do it without you. I need your love and your help. You're so important. I say this over and over again because you can't realize it. I love you. I'll always love you.
I really love you all. I am so grateful for your coming. For a long time I've been trying to reach you, and now I've finally broken through. I prayed for this day for years. It must be a shock to you, but it was destined to be.
There is no other place in the world like this dormitory. You're all a part of the second generation, and you all have a hard role to play in your life, a large mission. I'm so sorry that you're going to have to suffer in the future, but it is the only way for you to become closer to God and me. We've all been waiting since Jesus' crucifixion for this pentecost to happen. Finally it has come!
God and I and my brother Jesus have been waiting so long for this, for this love to spread all over the world. And in this dormitory you are all given the mission of spreading this love. I have lit a flame, and you must carry it! Your Father in heaven has been through so much. His heart has been torn apart since man's fall. You all are Adams and Eves of this generation. You mustn't fail him. You must restore the Adam and Eve who were lost. Each one of you adds love to God's heart. By loving Him, you are restoring His heart to the time before the fall.
I know your ancestors personally. They would do anything to be with you again. Everyone in the spirit world is lining up one behind the other so they can be near you. All the pain and all the suffering you have experienced helps one more spirit grow closer to God.
Your Father is so lonely. He needs your love more than anything else in the world right now. He misses you so much. There is nothing else in the world like your love for the Father. You're so precious. You don't realize. Your heart is worth more than anything, anything in the whole wide world -- in the universe! So much is going to happen to you in the future. Without each person here in this dormitory, the world could not be restored. You're all that special.
I'm sorry I couldn't come to you sooner. It probably seemed to you that this couldn't happen, but it's happening, and you must believe. You all mean so much to me, and I swear to you I'll never leave you. You are building the foundation for the world's restoration. You've entered the realm of the heart -- that's probably more than you could have imagined. By receiving me you have made your heart boundless. You are all much closer to perfection than you realize. You are almost there! You are all so important -- you're priceless!! The light you give out is so blinding. It is as bright as my eternal palace.
Father and I love you so much. Please love us back. Without you we are nothing! You are the princes and princesses of the spiritual world. There are golden thrones waiting for you. God, your Father, is longing for those thrones to be filled up, and only you can sit in them. I wish you could understand!! All of you are so young but so special. You belong to your Father's heart. Go to Him! Open your heart! Feel His boundless love. Tear down the barriers. The barriers are so thin, but Satan makes them look like miles and miles of steel.
Satan is a lie. God and I and Jesus are the truth. Keep Satan away! Break the barriers! Be yourself. Satan hates that. Satan wants to kill you. Don't let him! He wants you gone so much. He would trade all the souls he's claimed for one of you! You must separate good from evil!
Center upon your Father and me. If you do this, the results can be anything you want them to be. I love you so much! I'm so lonely for your love. Please love me. Love your Father and help the spirit world. This is your mission, and to not do this would be to kill yourself. Satan would be able to come in and rip you apart.
Now your tears are mending God's heart, and He is so grateful. Please listen to me and believe me. I so much want to grow inside of you. Just use the chance. You're all chosen to be here in Korea. None of this was a mistake. Please accept this. I will protect you.