The Words of the Azar Family |
God's tradition is born in the holy land. Korea creates the standard for internal virtues and external vocations for all to emulate. By growing our internal heart, Heavenly Father can use us and fill us with His love and direction.
Several years ago, True Parents decided to build A-frame churches throughout Korea. Since my first visit there in 1979, I nourished the vision of bringing this idea to America, as a serious reminder of the deep religious affections so vibrant in the Korean family. Heavenly Father granted autumn of 1981 as the time to substantiate this dream. Outside Atlanta, the capital city of Georgia, by fallow fields and pine, we selected a site.
On October 4, commemorating Father's release from prison, we broke ground. All 40 members of the southeast region of America, from South Carolina to Florida to Mississippi, gathered to build our temple to God. We pledged to begin our children's course through this substantial offering. We marked our new covenant with True Parents. Brothers and sisters enthusiastically and prayerfully took up this challenge to assemble a structure worthy to serve guests that heaven would send to us. Our hope is to show Heavenly Father that He can trust us in expanding our commitment to recreate His lost children.
The work began. Each day started and ended with a sermon and prayer. There was no lack of enthusiasm, skills, leadership or ideas. For a while, the assemblage of state leaders and highly-skilled members (we had five or more leaders) created a fertile opportunity to practice indemnity of heart. Hammering out the unity was really the only difficulty, for the external work went smoothly. First of all, we had to build unity before we could build a temple to God. Our ideal was to make this temple a testimony to the high standard of quality that Father expects us to accomplish in everything we do.
Brothers and sisters experienced what personal traits and relationships were essential in order to accomplish the goal: single-mindedness, sacrifice, purity, obedience, loyalty and love of heaven. A real investment of mind and body was put into this superior purpose -- the liberating of God's lost children. Our building is a house of redemption, a place where we pray, worship, teach and celebrate in order to praise heaven and True Parents.
To approach the light-green shingled A-frame, you walk along an unpaved path, under the trees and down a hill, where you find yourself surrounded by a pine forest. The A-frame structure harmonizes with God's creation and creates a visual experience of beauty which elevates the words which are spoken within. The magnificent cedar peaks stimulate an upward vision and quest for God. Double glass doors give a welcome feeling and call for a religious attitude. Interior walls are quality paneling; and the fireplace serves as a gathering place for fellowship and discussions. Stained glass windows and fine details like a polished wood floor are still awaiting completion. Later this spring we plan to hold the official dedication ceremony.
Sunday services are being held here, with home church guests coming, and special region-wide internal guidance training sessions are held. There will be continuous regional 3-day, 7-day and 21-day workshops, and also seminars for parents, ministers, educators and social leaders. The main lecture hall seats 250 people and will be an excellent place to hold special holiday programs when True Parents' disciples come to speak. A place is provided for private prayer and meditation and special internal guidance with members.
The undertaking of this great task could never have been accomplished without each brother's and sister's faith in God, trust in True Parents and sincere dedication to love all humanity. The planning and building was done completely by brothers and sisters; there was no outside assistance necessary, since members even had electrical and plumbing skills. Each one gave unparalleled effort, and the result was a feeling of victory for everyone.
Our unity with heaven's tradition will keep our family growing worldwide. It is our sincere prayer that what has been given to us can be an inspiration to all. May we all be grateful for what Heavenly Father continues to give us, and may we work harder to usher in the Kingdom of Love.