The Words of the Baloro Family |
First Filipino American Family National Convention set on August 11-12, 2007
Ramil Baloro
June 17, 2007
First Filipino American Family National Convention will be held on August 11 and 12, 2007 at Woodrow Wilson Middle School, 1400 Van Houten Avenue, Clifton, NJ, USA.
This convention was conceived through the inspiration of North America Continental Director, Dr. Chang Shik Yang during his meeting with Filipino members in New York and New Jersey on January 13, 2007. He emphasized the significance of organizing Filipino International Blessed Families to form one distinct body, like the Japanese Kodan to support Philippines and America in its mission to the world.
The main part of the convention will include; Lecture presentations by Rev. Phillip Schanker about the significance of the Relationship of Philippines and America in the Era of Cheon Il Guk·and Dr. Hyun Jin Moon's vision for Philippines 2008 which will be presented by Dr. Michael Zablan; Discussion on the New Organization of Filipinos in America, on-the-Spot Essay and Drawing Contests for Second Generation, Banquet and Socio ·Cultural Night with Continental Directors of North America and Asia and with the possibility of inviting Anthony Castilo, singer of the song "Kastilyong Buhangin".
The organizing committee of the First Filipino American Convention is composed of: Bobby Paquit as the Chairman and Robin Olgado as the Co-chairman while members are Edward Prangan, Edward Busque, Greg Agulan, Nathaniel Nitro, Merly Barrete, Ramil Baloro, Emiljun Rapada, Vincent Belmonte II and Larry Benaloga.
Anyone interested in participating in the convention and for more information, please email Ramil Baloro.