The Words of the Barrett Family |
Dear Chang Shik Yang and Joshua Cotter,
I just read the announcement of Hyung Jin taking over the US movement after the revelations regarding In Jin's leadership deceptions and personal hypocrisy.
During the 12 District Tour that Hyung Jin will be undertaking with your accompaniment there are a great many members who are expecting your co-resignations. Regarding In Jin's multi-year deception and hypocrisy you (Chang Shik Yang and Joshua Cotter) either knew of her adulterous affair while leading the American church movement or you did not.
If you knew and did nothing to inform the general membership, then by your inaction you betrayed the trust of the movement members and co-conspired to further the deception and hypocrisy, while reasonably discrediting the movement in the eyes of clergy and political supporters.
If while working closely with In Jin over the past few years you did not know of her adultery and leadership deception, then this is reasonable evidence of your incompetence and you should be removed for lack of ability. Many in business, military, and political leaders have resigned their positions not because of what they knew, but for what they should have known and did not.
Either through co-conspiracy or incompetence your honor, integrity and leadership skill are mortally damaged in the eyes of a great many in the American movement. The course to restore some sense of personal integrity and honor seems to be your resignations. The question is, "Will you act with integrity and honor?"
Dr. Yang and Joshua Cotter, I hope you realize during the 12-District Tour the call for your resignations will welcome you either spoken or in silence. I wish you to act with honor.
Without thought of malice and with deep feelings of disappointment,
Ronald A. Barrett
Member since 1976