The Words of the Basuil Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings from Manila, Philippines.
It took some time before I could overcome my shock for the loss our dearest National Leader, Reverend Rolando C. Basuil, Jr. Born on September 26, 1967 in Davao, he is just so young and full of life to go so soon. The Unification Church takes pride in having a selfless National Leader with a very beautiful heart filled with love for God, True Parents and Philippines. He died last Saturday July 1, 2011 and left behind his Japanese wife (Yuko Nakabayashi) of 16 years (30,000 Couples Holy Blessing) and his 3 wonderful children (2 sons and a daughter): Reiner Roi, 11; Masahide Ben, 9; and, Rio Jean, 6.
From those who were with and near him during the last moments shared to me what had happened. This is what I have gathered... They were in Zambales for some well-deserved recreational activity (fishing out in the open sea) on the last day of the month (June 30). Aside from his incredibly numerous responsibilities as the top leader of the whole Unification Movement in the Philippines, he lately has been traveling with our Continental Director -- Dr. Chung Sik Yong to make 160 Holy grounds around the country. This is to lay the necessary spiritual foundation where God could later reclaim sovereignty from Satan. In these new areas will soon rise our new church centers for witnessing and education in the Philippines.
I saw some of the pictures taken during this fishing expedition in Zambales. Everybody appears to be enjoying the trip, is relaxed and so full of life. They returned to their lodging rooms that evening late at around 10 in the evening. Several members even testified that they spoke with Rev. Basuil on the phone to follow up on some important matters that night. It was business as usual as people around him noticed nothing unusual or different about Rev. Basuil that evening, until they woke up that fateful next morning.
Rev. Basuil got up at around 4 and went to the toilet. After using the toilet he returned to lie down on his bed. At 5 everyone got up for Hoon Dok Hoe but because they need to leave at 6 AM that day for Manila, Continental Director directed everybody to pray individually instead of together and be prepared to move out. Continental Director said that Rev. Basuil could even smile at him when the National Leader greeted him that early morning. That will be the last smile Continental Director will see from the Philippine National Leader.
Everybody was busy packing up for the trip back to Manila. It was that time that Rev. Basuil went to the toilet for the last time. Everybody was out of the room and into the revved vehicles when they noticed someone is conspicuously not there yet. Rev. Basuil is never late unless the circumstance is unavoidable. He always keeps time especially whenever he attends the Continental Director. It is also rather unusual that he would be without any prior notice for being tardy.
Then, somebody went back (Brother Maynard) to his room and follow him up. He found the toilet still occupied. He knocked and called out "Kuya Jun". No answer. The knocking and calling out his name became stronger each time as it was repeated several times in an effort to catch Rev. Basuil's attention inside the toilet. Despite these efforts, there was no response at all. He tried to place his ear near the door to try to listen inside. He said he heard his Kuya Jun inside breathing loudly like he was snoring during deep sleep. He started to feel that something is wrong. He decided not to wait and took action right that moment. He forced the toilet door open from the outside. When the door was finally opened, there inside he saw our National Leader slumped while seated on the toilet. He said, initially I thought that Kuya Jun was just sleeping because his head was hanging forward and was snoring loudly. But Rev. Basuil was not just sleeping.
Brother Maynard tried to awaken Rev. Basuil but he simply won’t wake up no matter how he tried. That was when everyone including the Continental Director was informed about Rev. Basuil's condition and suddenly placed everyone in an emergency mode. They immediately carried and brought Rev. Basuil out to one of the vehicles and rushed to get help. They successfully brought Rev. Basuil to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. He was breathing and has a pulse still when he was brought inside the emergency room. The doctors took notice and quickly attended our National Leader. After some quick examinations, they explained that Rev. Basuil had a major stroke due to his hypertension.
When blood pressure was checked, it shot up to as much as 200+/180 which is too high. The normal blood pressure is around 120/80. They did everything they could possibly do to save Rev. Basuil. But to everybody's disappointment, despite the efforts of the doctors and their medical staff, many hospitals outside Metro Manila are so pathetically and inadequately equipped to handle life and death cases such as our National Leader's. Needless to say, they apologized for their inadequacy and referred us to go to another much better equipped hospital to save our National Leader. It is quite frustrating but nonetheless a glimmer of hope. It is heart breaking to learn that the so called better hospital is located in Iba, Zambales. It is another hour away drive from where Rev. Basuil was. Still it is a fighting chance anybody would take to save a life especially the life of our National Leader.
Because time is of the essence, they acted with haste and proceeded to bring Rev. Basuil to Iba, Zambales without any delay. During that trip, Rev. Basuil was breathing heavily and his pulse was getting more erratic and faint by the minute. This was about the time that I received the text message requesting that we pray for our National Leader who was just rushed to the hospital due to a stroke. Everyone with him became very serious in praying as they assist him. I am very sure anybody who got the same text that I received anywhere around the country started to pray deeply to God for the Philippine National Leader. Then, so it was declared, in a hospital in Iba, Zambales, Rev. Rolando "Jun" C. Basuil Jr , Philippine National Leader died at around 8-9 in the morning of July 1, 2011.
After I learned of his death, I could hardly believe what I was hearing. And no matter how much I tried to deny this reality I could not. It finally came to me as a shock. I did not shed any tear on my cheeks but in my heart I was sobbing. I felt pain inside my heart and was so saddened. I kept on asking God "Why?"! There must be a very good reason for this but I am at a loss to think for I was so overwhelmed by my emotions. Of all the people in the world, why our National Leader? Nobody could ever be ready for such breaking news. Why does it have to happen to a very good man who is doing a wonderful job for God and True Parents. Why does it happen at a time when our movement is sprouting with new vitality after a dormant period of fruitlessness resulting from our former National Leader and his loyalists' breakaway? They who dared to directly disobey True Parents’ orders channeled through our Continental Director caused so much instability and confusion to everyone. I need answers and I need them quickly but where will I get it.
That morning at 10:30 the Unification Church Committee (UCC) was summoned for an emergency meeting to discuss the Unification Church's course of actions. In the afternoon, our Continental Director came to the meeting and reported to us what had happened. His message was moving and inspiring for all of us. At that moment, I found the answer I was so desperately seeking. He started by saying that Rev. Basuil's demise was not just because of a medical or health condition. It was a National Offering.
Rev. Basuil became the Philippines' National Leader since December 2009. His rise to be elected to the top position came via a very remarkable process involving members by ballots and finally decided by God when they were only 2 in contention for the National Leader position. Very few could even imagine that he could be a National Leader until he became the National Leader. He had to face the challenge of reviving a movement in all its aspects after it was almost brought to collapse and ruin.
In January 2010, some of the best leaders of the Church, who chose to believe the son of the founder [Hyun Jin Moon] rather than the founder himself, tendered their resignation letters to vacate their previous church positions. I myself felt so depressed of the situation for I admired and respected these leaders. I almost gave up and lost my faith at that time. Faced with such daunting challenges, Rev. Basuil stood like a pillar of strength and practically moved inch by inch under the most severely difficult spiritual condition that our church had ever experienced. It seems like one setback after another.
But not only did Rev. Basuil never give up not even for a moment but also not a word of complain came from his mouth for the problems he inherited. He stood steadfast in his faith to Heavenly Father and True Parents. His heart remained loyal and strongly aligned to his Central Figure - our Continental Director, Dr. Yong. This I could testify being a witness to these events how he carried out his most difficult task and mission with the dignity of a filial child towards the parent.
After that long dark night of no blessing in sight, God started to show his face to shine brightly upon our Philippine church once again under Rev. Basuil's watch. We could begin to count one positive sign after another, one victory after another, until there were so many. We could balance our accounting and operate self-sufficiently. We could witness to many new and young members who joined Unification Church as well as inspire the old church members. We could find new VIP's who did not only learn the Divine Principle by heart but accepted True Parents as Messiahs and stand up for our church.
Then we had the resolution of the travel ban case against our Continental Director. He was blacklisted by the Philippine immigration and barred from entering the country. It happened in the middle of the first Original Divine Principle seminar held for Philippine members. Despite all efforts to keep the ban through less than honest means by his enemies, the case was resolved not primarily by our legal efforts but by a brilliant stroke of providence. It was an act of God’s intervention for the Unification Church. Finally, we could welcome our Continental Director back to the Philippines as True Parents representative to Asia in general and to our nation in particular. These all happened within Rev. Basuil's first year as our National Leader. It has all been smooth sailing for the Unification Church since then.
The biggest blessing of all was the visit of our International Chairman of Unification Church, the appointed successor and inheritor of True Parents,s authority, President Hyung Jin Moon to the Philippines. Not only that all members felt reassured by True Parents' youngest son's encouragement and great love but also we were so moved by his humility and simple ways. He testified to a spiritual experience that changed how he would ever look at his parents again. Not from the physical but with his spiritual eyes. He boldly announced and testified that more than just being his biological parents, they are the Messiah, the Lord of the 2nd Advent, and the True Parents of humankind. We can see so clearly through him how to be a true filial child in substance. They taught all of us by example the true meaning of vertical alignment to attend True Parents through our Abel. His historic visit as our International Chairman brought the greatest benefit for all members of the church and the UPF in the Philippines. Since this time, incredible blessings from God would start pouring in unto the country under Rev. Basuil's leadership.
The Philippine Boon Bong Wang (Rev. Peter Kim) who has been serving True Parents for the longest time more than anybody for 40 years, visited the country and was inspired to learn about our College (IPLC, Tanay, Rizal) whose vision is to prepare young people to become future leaders of our worldwide church. When he reported to True Parents not only was it encouraged but True Parents also wanted it expanded. Now construction of new buildings for classrooms, dormitories, offices and other facilities are underway to accommodate 1000 students each new school year. True Parents is pouring millions of dollars in the Philippines investing on education for the future of the Unification Church.
According to our Continental Director, all these blessing did not just come without a price. He refreshed our memories of our dear elder brother, Atty. Celso "Kuya Soc" C. Talaba who passed away almost 2 years ago today. His unexpected passing because of cancer was certainly a great loss for the Philippines much like how we feel now for Rev. Basuil. We all wonder then why it happened to someone so humble and sincere. Why would it happen to someone who is so qualified and capable? For a while we felt worried what will happen to IPLC after he died.
Despite the feeling of great loss, we kept faith that Atty. Talaba’s death was an offering to God. Now after 2 years, we are seeing with our own eyes exactly what this offering to God means and what benefit it has brought to the school he once served with love. All the developments in IPLC and the rocket increase in its scale of expansion we will soon witness are paid for by the great sacrifice of our dear Kuya Soc. His loss was almost irreparable and irreplaceable. He is the only true Theologian, Philosopher and Educator of the entire Unification Church Philippines. Not to mention his being an in-house Lawyer, a Customs and Real Estate Broker. I feel undeservingly proud just by the thought that I knew a person like him.
As our Continental Director was relating these things I felt vindicated for the loss of our dear brother Rev. Jun Basuil, our national leader. His sudden demise was just as unexpected as Celso's. He is probably the first incumbent National Leader who died during his term of office. Dr. Yong explained that as our National Leader, he is the representative of the nation. His life value is quite different when he was not the National Leader then yet. His death, according to Dr. Yong, was a pure offering made before the national altar to God. Dr. Yong testified with wet eyes how much he loved Rev. Basuil who followed him and obeyed all his directions absolutely.
Despite his seemingly impossible directions to him as the National Leader of the country, he never once showed disunity, seldom showed any of his difficulties and he never failed to smile brightly that cheered and encouraged him. His mission was anything but simple. The projects under his watch were all but providentially significant to say the least. Dr. Yong explained that it is normal to feel shocked and saddened by Rev. Basuil's passing but his life of sincere devotion to his mission is the pure offering for the sake of the nation of the Philippines. As a nation, we will offer Rev. Basuil together to God with the right attitude from the bottom of our hearts. Then Rev. Basuil will go without regrets as he takes on higher responsibilities in the spirit world.
His body lies in state in the St. Peter's funeral chapels (Ezekiel-4th floor) in Quezon City since the afternoon of July 1 when his body arrived from Zambales. He will be transferred to the Unification Church HQ on the afternoon of July 3 (Sunday). There the Seunghwa ceremony will be held on July 5 (Tuesday) at 10:00 AM and then from there will proceed to the Holy Gardens Memorial Park in Antipolo City for the Won Jeon Ceremony that starts at 1:00 PM.
Rev. Basuil was born in the church (spiritual birthday) on March 26, 1989 in Cebu City while he was about to finish his program on Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering (BS-ECE) at the University of San Carlos. He was invited by our sister Helen Pios- Hidaka (now living in Japan). He finished his degree with honors (cum laude) and passed (as top 2) when he took the Government Licensure Examinations all in the same year 1989.
He joined the Unification Church as a full time member with the MFT after his graduation and became one of its Team Captains from 1991 to 1995. It was a tough mission everyone understands who went through the same course of fundraising, but it is through this stint that he learned how to overcome many things and learned the basics of his managerial skills according to the Unification Church tradition that would eventually land him as the Head of the Unification Church Business Department from 1996 to 1999. From then, he became the leader of two important companies The East Light Trading and the Safe Living Marketing that were both very successful during his watch to offer considerable amount of donation for the Unification Church operations.
In 2001, a new horizon dawned before him as he was given a mission to lead a church for the first time. He was assigned as the Regional Director of the Western Visayas whose HQ church is based in Iloilo City. He kept this mission until 2004. Because of his impressive and stable performance as the leader of the Western Visayas Region, the National HQ expanded the scope of the area of his responsibility as the Executive Director of the entire Visayas composed of 3 big regions. It was perhaps during his term that Visayas became the most successful area of witnessing in the whole country. It produced so many young members who joined both as students and FT workers.
It was while he was in Cebu as the Visayas Executive Director when he was elevated to the highest position of National Leader in December 2009. Exactly 8 days short before his 19th month as the Philippine National Leader, he passed away. We all would have desired to see him grow and develop in ability and confidence to be one of the best leaders the Philippine Church ever had. All of us would have desired to see his dreams and visions for the Philippines fulfilled. But God has plans that is often times are beyond our understanding. I always believed that it is not the length of time that you have served but rather, despite the short period, what legacy did you leaved behind when it is time for you to go and move on. What kind of seed did you sow? It is the seed that will endure to survive long after you are gone?Or is it the seed that is short-lived that has no hope of survival in the future?
Rev. Basuil's wife Yuko once intimated to Continental Director when they were discussing about her husband's health. Rev. Basuil is quite aware of the risks and is taking care of his health as much as he could. But the demands of his big portion of responsibility for the country compels him to keep on driving forward and to push himself harder without consideration on the toll it might exact on his physical body’s well-being. “He is truly a pure offering.” Dr. Yong kept on saying about Rev. Basuil. Ms. Yuko shared to Dr. Yong what Rev. Basuil once declared to her that, "If God needs my life as an offering, then I will go as the offering."
When Dr. Yong reported on Rev Basuil’s sudden demise, True Father recognized the Philippine National Leader and said that his life will be an offering to God for the sake of the nation of the Philippines. A life so well-lived and a love so well-meant for others is worth emulating. Even if it dies, it could make what seems to be a tragic loss to turnaround to a thousand or even a million fold gain that will benefit descendants in the many ages that will follow. Thank you very much our National Leader. The many Blessings the future holds for the Philippines we owe from you. We are so indebted to you. We will unite and work together to make your dreams a reality.
True Father said,
"If God needs you, you should go well without any trouble. It is not easy to live in and then to depart a particular era onto a new era. If you leave you should leave behind a legacy of Blessing to your descendants before you depart. You should always be grateful to Heaven at the moment you enter the Heavenly nation. Then, your siblings on the earth should help care for your family."