The Words of the Busque Family |
AATF Leadership Workshop In Florida
Edward Busque
January 14, 2008
One Hundred six members of the Asian / American Task Force (AATF) attended the Young Adult Ministry Leadership Workshop in Lake Placid Camp and Convention Center, Lake Placid City, Florida, U.S.A. from Dec. 31, 2007 until January 5, 2008.
The workshop theme was "Expanding God’s Dream through Transformative Pioneer Leadership "
In welcoming the New Year 2008, a midnight prayer was led by Mr. Gil Virtudazo, AATF Program Officer.
On January 1st, the 41st True God’s Day Celebration was officiated by Rev. Eduardo Busque Jr., Program Director of Religious Activities / Witnessing of Education Department, FFWPU -- USA.
Then parlor games and volleyball competition was held.
The evening was highlighted by Graduation of 14 members, Recognition of exemplary leader and member of the year 2007, Awarding of the winners for the parlor games and Cultural presentation by Thailand, Nepal, Philippines, Taiwan and Malaysia.
The leader of the year 2007 was awarded to Rockie Nery, a Filipino of the American Task Force while Yu Ling Liang (know as Rebecca) of Taiwan was recognized as the exemplary member of 2007.
Rev. Edward Prangan, Director of the Asian and American Task Force presented the awards and recognition.
January 2nd, the Day of Victory of Love Celebration was set for outing. All the members went to Universal Studio in Orlando, Florida.
Members enjoyed Theme Parks rides, the Islands of Adventures, movies likes Spider man and Shred in 4D pictures and various Attractions are all unforgettable.
On 3rd Day, Rev. Busque explained the "Paradigm of the Era After the Coming of Heaven" and the significance of the establishment of the "One Family under God" through Global Peace Festival during the morning service.
The latest breakthrough in the Philippines was presented by Rev. Prangan who attended the Global Peace Festival in Manila. Members were very inspired by the successful event.
Mr. Gil Virtudazo gave a great and inspiring lecture on Core Values set by Hyun Jin Moon in the afternoon.
This was followed by evening testimonies of brothers and sisters of their missionary work.
The next day, January 4th, the AATF members had an opportunity to listen to the lectures of Eng’r. Danny Aguilar on Life of Faith, MFT 101, Sowing Good Seeds, Light of the World, and Object partner of God’s heart.
Eng’r. Aguilar was a lecturer of the early STF Program and he had a vast experienced in the front line mission of witnessing and fundraising in America. Presently, he is a Senior Quality Engineer of a well know medical device company in Florida.
On January 5th, there was a morning prayer of determination "Tong-il Kido" was conducted at Lake Placid.
Then, brothers and sisters were eager to move to their new teams and areas of responsibilities.