The Words of the Cuaresma Family |
A Filipina MFT member at WMD- UPF: A Testimony
Fely Grace Cuaresma
April 23, 2008
Editor's note: Below is a sharing from an MFT member from Philippines posted for all as part of sharing their experiences in learning while doing a mission in the field. Enjoy reading.
I thank God and True Parent’s for choosing me to be one of the frontliners in the World Mission Department as a member of its MFT. I’m happy to support the providence especially in Universal Peace Federation through my little way.
My motivation at first in going to America was not clear because I’m not deeply connected to True Parents. Let’s say I could not at that time accept them as the Second Coming.
As time passed by, in joining 30 days fundraising condition and attending workshops, my concept was changed. Specially in fundraising, there is something very internal. I come to believe that fundraising is something spiritual. Here, I learned how to connect my heart to God and True Parents. I felt I’ve grown a lot internally. I can see the difference when I was in Philippines. I remember I always do wandering when doing fundraising there but I still can have results. But here in America if you are not serious you cannot bring results. That’s why every person and every single second is very precious.
In fundraising you have to mobilize spirit world. Don’t focus on external aspects. If you have internal power external result will just follow. In fundraising, I learned how to give my trust to God and True Parents.
"I will never give up my study." That was my word when I was in the Philippines. After I heard many lectures, my own spiritual experiences in the frontline and the example shown to us by our leaders most specially Mr. Yoshida and Commander Yasu Tanai and by my elder brothers and sisters from Philippines and Mongolia changed me. Now I say "There’s a right time for my study". While I’m still young I will do my best to support the providence of God.
It’s just like a dream. We are mingling with people close to True Family. I heard many testimonies about their memories and experiences with True Parents and I come to realize how great True Parents and the members of True Family are.
Now, I’m aspiring to become a team captain. I want to learn driving too so that when I go back to Philippines I can be a MFT team captain at the same time a driver. I will set a new standard in doing fundraising.
Thank you for the hard works of our leaders especially Kuya Mike Zablan of Philippines. They are our inspiration to go forward to fulfill God’s will.