The Words of the Dobrotka Family |
On Friday, March 8, our Leader and his party, driven by Philip Burley, arrived in New York in time for dinner. Our small space intensified the atmosphere of loving warmth as Father and Mother and party ate in our living room with all of us clustered about. Philadelphia Family arrived in time to rush off with us to Radio City Music Hall for a stage play and movie. Then we followed our Leader to his hotel to give them a bowl of fruit. Two went in with the fruit. Then two-by-two the rest of us went in until finally the room glowed with children crunching apples and beaming at their Parents.
Saturday we went to machine shops, sight-seeing, and concluded the evening with singing for our Leader to meet some who were studying. Sunday worship service allowed him to meet others. He spoke to us on “The Necessity of Religion," Later, after more sight-seeing, we were waiting in the cold for Father and Mother to see "War and Peace." From across the street their love enveloped us. Father's twinkling, "How long have you been waiting?" brought forth Barbara Mikesell's "Six thousand years!!
Monday we trooped after Father through more machine shops, ate Chinese food and went on a tour of Macy's as Mother led Father through the store. At 5:00 pm, we sang and waved good-by, never dreaming that we would see them so soon again, Saturday, March 15, Philadelphia joined us 'as we drove to Kennedy International Airport to meet the beloved party. Conversation, photographs, and fruit; then we waved them onto the 10:30 Pan Am flight carrying them to Lisbon and the beginning of their European journey.
Oh, joyous visit! My overall impression is of boundless simplicity, of true love welling up from deep, deep humanity.
Changes in the Center include the following; Diane will join George in Philadelphia, Barbara comes to New York, and Carroll Ann will go to Washington. Besides our regular witnessing activities, our immediate future includes plans for Betsy and Maria to teach the Divine Principle at the free university of City College, while Wesley, Gladys, and Barbara will do the same at Brooklyn College.