The Words of the Drenicheva Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
Rev. Jenkins noted at the end of his open letter that Liza smiled when the handcuffs where put on her wrist "in remembrance of how Father Moon smiled when he was led away to communist prison in Korea in 1948". Personally I am convinced that her case is not only connected to the one of Father's imprisonment in North Korea where Satan was at that time about to implement the worst form of communist dictatorship but also to Father having to go to Danbury prison in 1984 from where he emerged according to his own words "reborn".
Our True Father had to pay incredible indemnity in the Cain realm through his time in the North Korean concentration camp where he witnessed under the worst possible conditions because the prepared people failed to receive the Lord of the Second Advent.
When also the Abel realm of America rejected the True Parents after initially welcoming them in the early seventies, our True Father had to go finally to Danbury a few months after Heung Jin Nim's Seung Hwa in order to avoid more tragedies like True Mother dying or becoming extremely ill as he explained a few years later on the Day of Victory of Love in 1990, when he added, "If Heung Jin Nim had not died, Hyo Jin Nim would have died, also by a traffic accident."
On that 2nd of January 1990 Father stated that "if all the blessed couples had united together perfectly, Father would not have been persecuted." This is a very important statement because it shows to us that there would have been the course of acceptance possible for our True Parents had we become one in heart with them.
About the relationship between True Father and us he emphasized on that day that it has to be one between father and son or daughter, centered on Heavenly Father. About his heart towards us he told the leaders that gathered on that holiday that he is thinking of them and missing them all the time. He also mentioned that he "will separate good and evil in each of our personal histories" and "If we do not work hard on earth we will repent in spirit world".
Shouldn't we use our days here on earth to really separate good and evil within us and to have a thorough look at our personal histories with the readiness to make now the needed changes so that we can avoid going through deep repentance when we will arrive one day in the next world?
Father prayed on that morning especially for the many good people killed because of Satan and pointed out that "Satan's countries were the communist nations." Of course it is not easy to restore those people who had been under Satan's dominion for decades but it is certainly possible if we have the heart Father spoke about on that Day of Victory of Love with the following concern:
"In the United States, every day Father cried tears in his mind... You can influence people easily through tears. Tears and hunger recover the country. Father's brothers and sisters were killed by communists. Therefore Father can never be peaceful. If we get persecuted when witnessing, we also cannot rest peacefully."
Can we just remain peaceful when we know of our sister sitting innocently in prison -- and it could be just as well me if I had worked there as missionary. Because I myself was in such a position in 2006 and 2007 in Georgia, another former communist country, where other religions than the Orthodox Church are also suppressed to a certain extend, I can understand reality closely through first hand experiences.
Based on the implications of the above explanations by our True Father we can hopefully understand that there is also a clear reason behind our sister Liza's imprisonment - in order to pay indemnity on our behalf -- because of our failing to become one with the True Parents of Mankind as the Third Israel just as the Second Israel had to suffer in under the persecution of the Roman Empire after the required unity between Jesus and the chosen people had not been established.
Our True Father had to go to prison several times during the 40 year wilderness course with Danbury being the crucifixion of the 20th century. Now we live already in the period of the 40 years Children's Course where we as sons and daughters of the True Parents have to take responsibility for the restoration of this world.
Therefore it is one of us -- a most exemplary and sacrificial sister in this era of women -- who has to walk a course of having to stay in prison in order to pay indemnity on our behalf because of our failure to unite with the True Family which also led to their having to go through the crucifixion of the 21st century in the form of the helicopter crash landing.
About the meaning of the meaning of this historic helicopter miracle I have written twelve letters. In case you did not receive them please let me know so that I can forward them to you. Because this unique miracle is connected to 4000 years of history it is indeed important that we understand the implications connected with this all out attack by the satanic forces deeply.
Our True Father went on the 120 Nations World Tour in 2005 at the risk of his life -- in order that he can forgive us (according to his own words)! Afterwards we received the grace of the complete Amnesty of all our sins through the special workshops for a New Beginning for Blessed Families but still we continued to sin and did not unite in heart as a worldwide movement.
Therefore about one year after this special grace was given, the beloved first son Hyo Jin Nim had to go to spirit world and 120 and 3 days later also our True Parents and three of their grandchildren had to face a life and death trial because we did not become one as a worldwide family even though our True Father asked for it especially after Hyo Jin Nim ascended.
Our True Parents overcame the "near death situation" and resurrected substantially. Then they asked all members to inherit their victory by uniting completely in heart with the helicopter miracle and to establish a new foundation of faith and substance not only on the individual but also on the family level and in our communities just as well as in our nations and regions.
At the same time we have been asked to go through a worldwide 40 day witnessing condition. The serious question is how well we fulfilled these conditions. As a matter of fact, the trial against our sister Liza started two to three weeks after the end of that witnessing condition -- depending on the concrete dates the respective leaders chose for this condition in their respective nations. Sadly there are those countries where these required conditions have not been fulfilled well. According to the lacking fulfillment of responsibility on our side extra indemnity became necessary.
We have learned that the trial against our sister started in a nation that prides itself of religious freedom and has a history of peaceful cooperation between the roughly 50% Christian and 50% Moslem believers. What is obvious for me in this respect is that history is repeated: Because our members and the Abel type Americans, did not unite to the required extent with True Father the other side succeeded -- with the Christians working together with the government to imprison Father -- to put Rev. Moon into Danbury.
Basically the same happened in the Cain realm of the former Soviet Union through the Kazakh government uniting with the Orthodox Christians, changing the Abel-type policy that prevailed until 2004, under the influence of Russia where such a policy has been practiced already for years against all foreign religions. On that foundation they made a new law concerning religion and started a trial against our sister Liza who had come to Kazakhstan to influence this country in a heavenly way.
For me it is absolutely clear that the whole issue is not a local or national problem but an international issue that has its roots in the failure of our own movement to unite with the directions which we received from our True Parents. This means that each one of us should pay a certain price or indemnity condition.
On an external level our sister Liza is in the position of a sacrificial lamb but it is most important that we unite with her in heart completely so that our Heavenly Father can receive our common and united offering of our readiness to go to prison together with our beloved sister for the sake of true liberation to be manifested in the Abel just as well as in the Cain realm.
If we do this successfully our relationship with our Heavenly Father will be greatly improved as Liza experiences it in prison at this time, a fact to which her recent letter testifies. The core issue is therefore the substantial resurrection of all members worldwide through uniting with our exemplary sister Liza who manifests the heart of our True Parents and to do the same in our own lives becoming true sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven.
Based on that foundation in the Abel realm the victory can also be achieved in the Cain realm of the countries that have been under communist dictatorship in the past. It is of utmost importance that the tide can by turned around. Our True Parents achieve a great victory over communism two decades ago but most sadly this precious victorious foundation has been lost due to our failing to live up to the standard that our True Father and True Mother showed to us.
Initially True Father could meet Gorbachev and True Mother could speak in the Kremlin! but meanwhile they cannot even enter not only Russia but also most other countries of the former Soviet Union even into those nations where they had been already welcome on a high level of society (with very few exceptions).
How bad the situation has become can be seen in many ways, including the recent killing of a human rights activist (well known lawyer) and a journalist in broad daylight near the Kremlin, about which you can read in the article by Radio Free Europe at: www.rferl.org/content/Are_Russias_Lawyers_In_The_Crosshairs/1374422.html
This means that the precious foundation that has been originally established through missionaries that came to the countries of the former East Block from all over the world was lost again because we could not establish the heavenly tradition of loving our enemies as our True Parents have explained clearly in the Peace Message number One and shown to us through their example.
It is my hope that we all become deeply aware of this sad reality and do our very best to lay the most urgently needed precious condition of uniting in heart not only with God and our True Parents but also with our beloved sister Liza who is now in prison - in our place - representing each one of us -- just as True Father went to prison several times to pay the price for our failure as chosen people to unite with God providence.
Therefore it is crucially important now that we stand up for what is right and true and put it into practice without making any excuses...
For this I hope and pray as your brother Nikolaus
PS: I wanted to mention two responses to the first part of my letter: One early member of our movement wrote: "Thank you Nikolaus!! Yes! Thank you for praying this situation through to understand deeply the implications for us!" I wanted to quote her comment because I am convinced that it is indeed important that each one of us prays deeply about the given issue so that we can all get the right understanding in this important issue.
We are blessed that we can not only read letters from our sister in prison but we can also write to her -- and show that we are indeed one worldwide family in which the spirit „one for all others and everybody for one person" is alive with the sincere readiness to walk in each other's footsteps and to share each others' burden just as well as the joy of our brothers and sisters without any feeling of jealousy or other fallen emotions but proof ourselves to be really matured in heart.