The Words of the Drenicheva Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
Alex Lee from Montreal, Canada, shouted it out to the world via the internet when he wrote his message entitled “FREE ELIZAVETA DRENICHEVA NOW!!!" in which he explained: “I was born in Kazakhstan. I feel deeply ashamed of the situation with human rights in my homeland. I sincerely pray that Kazakhstan as a nation will not choose the dark path of oppression and witch hunting. There is a much brighter and hopeful way!!! I believe that beautiful Kazakhstan and its people can live as one family under God!" And then he repeated: “FREE ELIZAVETA NOW!!!"
We know the external and internal reasons for the imprisonment of our sister Liza and therefore we should also work on both sides for a solution. Whereas there is not too much we can do directly under the present circumstances to get our beloved sister out of prison, there is a lot that we can do on an internal level where the root causes lie for what has been going on in the Kazakh society that led to Liza having to go to prison.
As I pointed out shortly, Kazakhstan is under the strong influence of Russia. That influence did not simply disappear after decades of dominion during the Soviet era but continues on because in most member states of the former East Block many government positions were taken in the new era after the fall of communism by previous leaders who carried on the old spirit into their new positions.
We know that habits that have been practiced for decades do not disappear easily. Nevertheless it is our core responsibility to contribute to a change in society, starting with ourselves. This means there must not be any traces left within us which point to the God denying ideology of communism which at its height influenced nearly half of the world in one way or another.
This means that we have to make sure that our way of thinking and reasoning has nothing to do with the ideas that originate in the persons of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who developed that ideology of justification to go against people of faith because in their understanding religion is opium for the people. We must take a thorough look at our own souls and check if our emotions and thoughts have really nothing in common with the ones that are advocated in Marxism and have been applied by Lenin and Stalin, and so many other leaders of communist countries.
The older members of our movement will surely remember that there has been a time when we were busy with teaching the CAUSA ideology as a counterproposal to communism. I myself had the chance to work 1984 in Korea to find 7 million members of VOC (Federation for the victory over Communism). The elder American members will surely remember the campaign to find 10 million people who support the goals of CAUSA during the nineteen eighties of the last century.
While writing VOC it came to my mind that this abbreviation might just as well stand for Victory of Conscience which I find appropriate at this time when we have been encouraged by our True Father on the 15th of January 2009 to live a crystal clear life according to our conscience.
Would any one of us have guessed that the time would come that the victory over communism which had been achieved in the last part of the second millennium will turn out to be only a partial victory with the consequence that instead of fading away the communist ideology will gain strength again? At many places it started to prevail over the true faith in God and the liberation of people on the level of heart which our movement advocates.
As I mentioned before: Precious victories have been gained but we lost much of the “territory" that we could occupy in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Basically it happened because the Orthodox Church leaders united with the governments to expel and suppress religious beliefs other than that of orthodoxy which is considered to be the only true or right (= orthodox) belief.
As I worked in 2006 and 2007 in Georgia, where religions other than the Orthodox Church suffer through the dominion of the Orthodox Church that claims more than 90% of the believers to be on their side, I can understand the spirit behind the situation well through my own experiences.
The core issue is a spiritual battle between the God accepting and the God denying forces. We must be very clear about this. Practically it means that we have to check ourselves and have a sober look at what our spiritual life is like -- what it means for us personally that we believe in God. How well are we doing in our task to live according to the blueprint that exists already in us, implanted by our Creator, who made us as His children in the hope that we will reach perfection and enjoy a happy life in the bosom of His heart?
Most of all our personal relationship with God which allows us to go beyond any difficulties and gives us the strength to succeed in the challenges that we have to face in this world must be strengthened and developed further.
The alternative offered by Karl Marx is to rebel against God, to let one's frustrations out on others, to take revenge on our enemies and many more aspects of fallen nature that this philosopher, who formerly believed in God, propagated and justified.
As we know the real battleground lies in our own souls. Elisabeth sits in prison together with Moslem women and there she has surely much time to pray. to read, to reflect... to deepen her relationship with our Heavenly Father -- and she does well in this challenge as we know through her letter.
Now that we know all these inner aspects of our sister's imprisonment it is important that we realize that it is each one of us who should be sitting with her in prison and mature there in heart to come out again as a saint, fit to be a purest channel for our beloved Heavenly Father to speed up the restoration of this world.
Would it not be wonderful if this goal could be achieved? Thanks God, we do not need to go into a dirty prison cell and live under the miserable conditions of a post-communist prison but we have the chance to sit down at home or to go down on our knees and to really research the depths of our souls with the readiness to face what we find there.
An attitude of honestly without any bias or pre-concepts is a prerequisite in order to be able to see clearly what our heartistic situation is like from God's viewpoint. This is the real and urgent task which we all have to tackle if we are serious about liberating our sister from prison.
The root cause lies in our souls and there true liberation has to happen so that it can take place also on external levels. We live in an new era of liberation and complete freedom and this new realm has to begin in our own hearts so that it can also bear fruits in our societies.
Let us have a look how other people feel about our sister Liza's imprisonment. Pier from Harpers Ferry wrote on the 20th of January: “I think the jailing of our sister in Kazakhstan is a shame! I know how the communist work, I've seen them up-close: they accuse innocent people of committing a crime that does not exist to scare them or force them to shut down whatever activities they don't like. That's an old KGB tactic. That's the first step; other more mean spirited attacks will follow.
We cannot just sit and wait for this to be resolved by a bunch of low-life bureaucrats that never what to change anything. (They still dream of Socialism to come back) We should organize a demonstration in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Call everyone you know in the greater Washington DC area right after the inauguration and let's demonstrate for justice and freedom. We have to free this sister! I'm committed call and let us discuss how and when we can organize a group to demonstrate in front of the Kazakhstan Embassy."
Wayne from Spartanburg, SC, expressed his attitude: “This is intolerable. These charges are bizarre. This story will be on the world news page of my website www.nandojournal.com until this girl is set free."
Dani from Ireland wrote: “She has to be freed right away! She has 3 children and did no wrong. Unfortunately Kazakhstan has long way to go to democracy. It is a dictatorship similar to what I as a Bulgarian used to live under during the communism. Individuals had no freedom of speech or to practice their religion. The Unification Church's teaching can only contribute to our society, bringing peace, love and harmony among all people, religions and nations. Elizaveta didn't do harm to anybody. She should go back to her family, her 3 kids are waiting for her. She was teaching about family values which are never being taught by the Communists. It is a regime which destroys the family where love should live.
I am angry that nowadays some nations are still so narrow and blind, living in their coo-coo land. Wake up! You can't kill the human spirit which longs to achieve a higher ground. Free Elizaveta and stop treating people as your puppets! She is free to share her views, especially when it helped her life. She wants to help others to find the true meaning in life, to find hope and happiness. Is that a crime that harms people? No way! I am standing right beside her and defend her!... because it is the one of True Love and Unification. You won't see many teachings these days that teach these kind of values. Who these days lives for the sake of others? So, FREE ELIZAVETA!!!!! Best regards, Dani and my family from Cavan, Ireland."
Unfortunately some wrong information was originally sent out about Elisabeth being the mother of 3 children -- therefore Dani refers to them. But at the same time there are certainly the spiritual children of Liza waiting for her, longing to see her spiritual mother, to be with her, to receive spiritual nourishment...
At:www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/01/a_stalinist_arrest_in_kazakhst.html one can find the article a “Stalinist Arrest in Kazakhstan" Marx, Lenin and Stalin died long ago but their ideas continue to live on in the hearts of men because behind them lies the fallen nature that is alive in each person. It is there eager to be expressed while oppressing the original nature endowed by God to each one of His children.
There is a battle going on inside of the human soul to which already Saint Paul referred in one of his letters. This inner struggle continued in the heart and mind of every human being since the fall of man and only very few people like Jesus and our True Parents rose above that level into the realm of the direct dominion of God's love.
The battle between the forces of goodness and evil continued all throughout history on many different level and now in this final period of God's providence they have to come to an end with the final victory of God's truth and His love in the hearts of each of His sons and daughters here on earth and in spirit world.
Of course it is not easy to stand on the forefront of this spiritual struggle and it is impossible to advance without paying the needed price or indemnity until we can finally leave this realm of indemnity behind. Through studying the Divine Principle we learned about various conditions of indemnity which became necessary due to failures in the past.
Now in this new era it is not primarily suffering on an external level that is required but a victorious foundation on an internal level which refers to heartistic payment of indemnity. What is the most precious condition on that level? It is clearly to love one's enemy. If we succeed in this challenge all other tasks will be relatively easy to resolve.
One member expressed his concern that I spoke in my previous letter about our movement failing to unite with the directions which we received from our True Parents. Our True Parents did their best to guide us so that we may walk in the right direction. They tried to direct us so that we may avoid making unnecessary mistakes and by following their directions we could have long ago concluded the work of restoration.
Of course the point is not primarily the external foundation that should have been created but the core issue is always to unite with the heart behind the directions given. This is our responsibility and in this respect we lack generally a lot. Doing the things we have been asked without the right attitude behind our actions has little value.
Therefore following our True Parents' directions refers most of all to working on our self-perfection because the more we succeed in this basic level, the better and lasting results we can bring for the sake of advancing God's providence.
In other words, our True Parents tried so hard to direct us to walk the path of true love, to behave as their children who are eager to show a deeper level of love for other people than the love we received from them. They want us to multiply true love on this earth.
Our common goal is to come into the direct dominion of God's heart so that all of our actions may be in union with the desire of our Heavenly Father. Uniting with the direction of our True Parents means therefore most of all to unite with our Creator who directs the lives of our True Father and True Mother. They are longing more than anything else that we may achieve our individual perfection and live a crystal clear life without any shadow.. Then all other problems can certainly be resolved.
May we all make great progress in this most important realm,
your brother Nikolaus