The Words of the Goldberg Family |
With many thanks to the members of the Outreach Committee, and the support of the Pastor and our Church Board, we offer the following plans for outreach-growth and spiritual renewal of the New Hope community for 40 days commencing this Sunday August 1st.
Background: True Parents recently called us to awaken to the coming era of God dwelling with us in the time of Cheon Il Guk and to practice our faith sincerely leading up to the significant date of Jan. 13, 2013. Father asked each family to distribute 430 copies of his autobiography. Our national Pastor, Rev. In Jin Moon is leading our American movement with a high standard of excellence through the Lovin' Life Ministries. A new national church growth leader Dr. Tyler Hendricks has been appointed to lead outreach and growth. And, True Father has strongly encouraged reading and studying God's words found in his major speeches and teachings. It is time for us to become living embodiments of the visible and invisible God.
40 Days of Outreach Effort at New Hope This is a suggested outline of activities for our 40 days Outreach Opportunity. It's totally voluntary -- challenge yourself or just stick your toe in the water and proceed at your own pace. Any outreach is good outreach! Throughout the 40 days, we'll share testimonies and hold teaching programs. We will keep you up to date -- and let us know how it's going.
1.) Distribute True Father's Book. TP have asked that we lovingly share his autobiography. (Books will always be available at the book table after Sunday service.)
Some will challenge 40 books in 40 days.
Some will mail or personally give the book to their extended family. Follow your own conscience and get to know people while you are sharing the book.
2.) Invite friends to events. Think of whom you know that might enjoy the music and the fun! Invite new friends to our Lovin' Life Sunday Service at New Hope at 10 AM. Attend various DP sessions as they arise. Have fun with your neighbors. Invite someone to your home!
Doug and Keiko Burton will organize a (book) table for outreach at the Greenbelt Fair during Labor Day weekend in early September.
A summer festival is being planned by Keiko Burton; many people's input will be needed -- please volunteer to help.
3.) Do spiritual conditions to raise our spirits, move God and spirit world and "Become the Word" . Each individual or family may set a spiritual goal for the 40 day period, for example, daily prayer, Hoon Dok Hae, etc. to support outreach.
People are praying for guests, True Family, Unity, for 3, 7, or 12 min.
Why not help your family find new life by doing Hoon Dok Hae reading in the morning or evening
Some folks like to do cold shower conditions or prayer conditions.
Some members may want to visit their local library to donate a copy of the autobiography.
Key Point to Remember: It is important to look within ourselves and ask how we can grow spiritually. These 40 days ought to be a grass-roots effort with encouragement from the Pastor and those who feel called to take responsibility. It's totally voluntary. Let's work together, help one another and believe that with HF and TP and each other, we can make great things happen in these last 2 1/2 years until 2013.