The Words of the Goldberg Family |
Dear Families,
Yesterday one of our Japanese sisters shared with me that she is giving the As a Peace Loving Global Citizen book to people and encouraging them to read it every day for 40 days. She tells them to pray for something important in their lives and during the 40 days they should watch to see what God will do in their life.
What a great idea!
Seeing someone use the principle of the number 40, which can be a condition to separate from sin, reminded me that we need to grow spiritually and culturally in order to realize God's true purpose and heart towards all of us humans. We are challenged by True Parents to digest the existing culture and give birth to a new culture where God is at the center.
The coming Culture of Unification (should we call it Cheon Il Guk?) is not the same thing as traditional American culture. It is not the same as Jewish culture or Christian culture. So what is it? Surely there are elements of our own birth culture that allow us to appreciate the culture that True Parents represent and that is good. Yet there are limitations as well to our own culture and that is not so good.
Modern American culture says it's OK to go out drinking on Friday night, starting with "Happy Hour". What is so happy about a person who needs a shot of booze in order to relate to other people? Happy hour is really false happy hour, not true happy hour.
Real joy comes from building real relationships with real people who are willing to respect and love one another for who they are, not putting up a front or putting on a show to impress.
We need a culture of unification of the best that each of us has to offer. We need traditional Korean culture to some degree in order to understand Heavenly Culture, don't we? We need some Japanese culture to appreciate some new way of looking at the world -- don't we need some Haiku to ponder the depths of simple things? And what about African and African American cultures? I think we need to interact with and participate in the deep heart and rhythmic roots that pulse through the veins of our brothers and sisters of African descent.
Traditional American culture calls up images of hearth and home and extended family with bonds of love that draw us closer in heart and strengthen us to help build our communities and neighborhoods. As Autumn approaches the holidays of harvest come to mind. the Native American Indian "pot latch" gatherings from which we get our word "pot luck" to describe a shared meal teach us that it is good to share what we have with others.
Lets share and build our Unification Culture with all people and make a place where God can dwell among us here on earth as in heaven.
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Matthew and Marianne Goldberg
Hoon Dok Hae Study at 9:00 to 9:40 am this Sunday in the Founder's Room -- featuring As a Global Peace Loving Citizen -- led by Pastor Goldberg.
Sunday August 22: Potluck Lunch with Testimonies: Stay after church and listen to testimonies from OLT participants; The Gambia Team; Camp Shehaqua participants; Service for Peace and NGA. Bring your own lunch or buy a hot dog or two there.
Join Us For Philippines Night -- Mabu Hay! You and your friends are invited for food, music and dance from 6:30 to 9:30 pm at the DC Church on Columbia Road. Call Mr. or Mrs. Francis Catalan for more information.
Thurs. Aug. 26, "The Power Within Us" Raising the Awareness of Human Rights and Dignity of Women. Liz Hempowitz, main speaker. Reception at 5:30 pm. Main program from 6-8 pm. Location: TBA. Suggested donation: $10. RSVP.
ACLC Women in Ministry Fellowship Tea: Saturday, Aug 28 1-4 pm at The UFC building, 3224 16th St NW Washington, DC. Keynote Speaker will be Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad, Chief-of-Protocol for the Nation of Islam.
National 18th Anniversary Assembly on Human Rights: Awakening the Dignity of Women. Keynote Speaker: Rev. In Jin Moon
Friday, Sept. 24 -- Sunday, Sept. 26, at the New Yorker Hotel. Register now!
Sunday Service will be held at Allen Pond, in Bowie, MD; Picnic Area 3. There are picnic-style seating for the first 48 people; with grills for a cookout afterwards till 4 pm. Bring folding chairs or blankets for extra seating. Let's worship outdoors!
3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom spacious home in Springdale, MD. Walk-in closet, large deck. Available immediately. $1,650/month. Call Cecil or Debbie Robbins.
Do you see yourself out on the Bay with the wind, the sea, and blue water?
Want to sail the many-splendorous Chesapeake Bay with friends, family, or guests? Two large sailboats (a 26-foot Pearson that sleeps five, and a 30-foot Several, a light air boat, very fast) have been donated to the church. They are docked in Annapolis 35 minutes from New Hope . Grab this opportunity. We're forming an informal "usage group." Collective usage, shared responsibilities, shared costs (modest).
The church Scout Troop will also offer lessons. Call Jake Mas, James Abendroth, or Jim Boothby.