The Words of the Goldberg Family |
Dear Families,
God is always with us even when we do not know it.
Now that the last days of Summer have given way to Autumn rains, the trees begin their slow, steady march into winter, yielding acorns and softly changing leaves that transform the forests and mountains into panoramas of gold and yellow, auburn and brown. The cycle of seasons is a reminder of the changes we experience as we travel this earthly life.
Last Sunday our National Senior Pastor, Reverend In Jin Moon, reminded us that we are spiritual beings traveling a physical path during our relatively short lives on this planet. True Father often says that, compared to eternity, this life is a "blink of an eye." And yet it is of enormous significance how we chose to live the life we have been given.
We had a visit from Jaga Gavin, National Youth/Young Adult Pastor, the same evening at the Sunday Night Lights program at the U. of Maryland. Pastor Gavin challenged those in the room to become "Generation Peace" and bring in the era when people will see God as their real parent and others as true brothers and sisters, using their blessings to serve the world.
It starts with myself. What will I do with my life right in my own family and neighborhood to bring about this new era?
How shall we live our lives with our families and in our communities so the people we meet will begin to experience the reality of God as their eternal and loving parent?
The challenges we face in our daily lives are opportunities to demonstrate the loving heart of a true parent, both toward others and ourselves. Reaching out to a friend or a neighbor may give us a chance to show our heart of devotion and service.
Recently I reconnected with an old friend from 40 years ago and although we have corresponded by letter and phone a few times since this past Spring, we have not yet been able to meet face to face. I took a risk and mailed Jack a copy of "As a Peace Loving Global Citizen". Imagine my delight to receive his written message thanking me for the thoughtful gift and promising to read it in the coming month!
God is truly with us and I believe our Heavenly Parents take joy in our reaching out to others in love. Several of our brothers and sisters witnessed and shared the autobiography of Reverend Moon at a public event in Greenbelt at the beginning of September. Their experience was rich and rewarding by all accounts. Many of us are taking steps toward giving the gift of the book, "As a Peace Loving Global Citizen" to our friends and neighbors. More books are on their way and I encourage each of us to stop by the book table on Sunday to place an order with Ron or Jan.
This coming Sunday we will renew our tradition of honoring and showing appreciation to some special people who help make New Hope Family Church a real family of God and True Parents.
Please join us this Sunday.
Pastor Matthew and Marianne Goldberg
It's that time of the year. There are two positions open for new NHFC Board members as Gregg Jones and Bob Selle are ending their two-year term this month. If interested in running for this office, please submit your own nomination with a brief bio and your vision for this community to Gay Grow by noon on October 1. Voting begins on Sunday, October 10 and 17.
Motivational Business Seminar: A motivational business seminar will be held at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC on Tuesday, October 5, from 8 am to 4:45 pm. It features speakers such as Zig Ziglar, Gen. Colin Powell, Dan Rather, Terry Bradshaw (NFL Hall of Fame quarterback), Steve Forbes, Rudy Giuliani, and Rick Belluzzo (former President and CEO of Microsoft). For tickets at the low price of $2 per person, please contact Dinshaw Dadachanji. Otherwise, you may register online at www.getmotivated.com or by calling 800-217-1317.
Calling all girls and young women and parents! Girl Scout Troop 4506 is currently looking for girls ages 9 and up who are seeking adventure and comradeship. Our troop recently went camping in Pennsylvania, and is currently working on the Photography Badge. We are also looking for adult volunteers to attend our weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 7 pm at New Hope Academy. Parents are always welcome to join in with their daughters as the girls appreciate their support. Also, young women, 18 and older, who are looking to give to the community and be an "older sister", are more than welcome to join us. There are also opportunities to invest your time during our adventure days; e.g. camping, visiting museums, and hiking. If you are interested in any way, please contact Debbie Robbins, Vanessa Scott, or Caroline Hampton.
International Blessing Ceremony on October 10, 2010 in Korea for Blessed Children and First Generation as part of the World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF) Oct. 9 to 14, 2010 and the Wongu Peace Cup Cain-Abel Cosmic Harmony Tournament 2010.
New Hope Academy is grateful and pleased to announce that it is the recipient of a $10,000 grant from Rev. In Jin Nim that is ear marked to cover 25% of a BC child's tuition at the school. In addition, a member of the New Hope Board of Directors has matched this grant, so 50% of an eligible family's tuition will be covered. Qualified students in grades K-12th who can demonstrate need are eligible to apply. Students who are academically strong may also qualify for further academic scholarship. Contact Joy Morrow at New Hope Academy ASAP. www.newhopeacademy.org "Committed to academic excellence, and supporting parents to raise moral children."
Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers:
Cheryl Wetzstein is regaining strength at home with family after undergoing surgery.
Catherine Henseler is at home in the care of her husband and children. Anyone wishing to visit please call Gerry Henseler.
Bob Randolph suffered a sudden stroke this week and is receiving care at George Washington Medical Center in D.C.
Prayer requests should be sent to Gay Grow.