The Words of the Goldberg Family |
Dear Families,
The gift of health is one of the most precious things we have in this life.
God gave each of us a physical life, through our parents, and we can become aware of our eternal spiritual life when we begin to explore the unseen world of our heart and mind. The wisdom writers of the Bible put it this way in Psalms:
"...Truly I am wonderfully made… thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous -- and how well I know it."
We are wise if we seek spiritual and physical health and strive to develop and maintain our minds and bodies in order to serve a higher purpose in life. Each one of us has the opportunity to form habits that will maintain our quality of life so that we can fulfill our unique potential and purpose.
Paying attention to a balanced diet, making sure we take time for recreation and keeping our lives in good order are all important ways we can show appreciation to our Creator and to our families. This Sunday after worship service , Mrs. Kyoho Jones will share some of her insights on maintaining a healthy spirit and body in her "Spice of Life" presentation.
Last Sunday's message also reminded me of the importance of maintaining good mind and body unity not only as an individual but also as a spiritual community. Just as a person's body can become sick if bad habits are allowed to dominate so a church body can develop unhealthy patterns.
The human hand is a very good example. We can use the same hand for good purpose such as comforting and healing others or for not so good purposes.
The hand has five fingers and each is important to the operation of the whole purpose. Did you ever notice what happens when the hand is used to point a finger of accusation at someone or something? Try this little exercise right now. Point your index finger at someone or something as if to find fault. Then take notice that there are three fingers pointing back at you! That is something to ponder....
It is interesting to note that a purposeful model for church health and growth includes five points, much like the human hand. These purposes are
(1) Inspire devotion and confidence,
(2) Empower, through education and outreach,
(3) Connect, through small community based groups and worship experiences,
(4) Contribute, through finding our purpose and sharing with others, and
(5) Inherit the blessing of God to develop character and create healthy families.
God has an inspiring plan for our lives which we can discover when we use our gifts in harmony with one another and in service to others. Just like the sports teams that recently participated in Korea, we can become a team that shines God's light to a world in need of liberation and healing.
Lets cultivate good habits and show the world we are serious about kingdom building and spiritual health.
See you this Sunday,
Pastor Matthew and Marianne Goldberg
It's that time of the year. There are two positions open for volunteers wishing to serve our community as NHFC Elders. Gregg Jones and Bob Selle are ending their two-year term this month. Brian Chase, David Phelps and Dinshaw Dadachanji have entered their names in the running. Voting will begin on Sunday, October 17 and end on Sunday, October 24. Here are two of the candidates and their message.
Bio: Brian Chase
Born and raised locally into a secret program for gifted (AKA "blessed") children from parents hand-picked from all around the world, Brian Chase was trained to be the perfect Church board member from an early age. Later recruited to project code named "Cheon Il Guk", Brian has reemerged from hiding with his wife, fellow "blessed child" of Special Task Force division honors---Operative Christine Chase, and has taken the persona of the Renaissance Family Man. With a little one on the way, the comely and too-serene looking couple look for your vote today.
Vision for community:
I think it is important to acknowledge that this community is already a great community home to many precious families who have done great service for the world community. It is also a community of great potential. My vision for the community is for it to be a place of choice to build a family and for it to be a place where we can feel closer to one another. I believe that we should take a sober look at the issues close to our hearts and open our doors to all. Ultimately, I would like to see the community become a showcase of the benefits of living a principled life centered on the precepts of love in action.
Bio: Dinshaw Dadachanji
Having grown up in India, a country whose citizens have a diversity of religious beliefs, I became a seeker of universally applicable spiritual truths, while at the same time pursuing my studies in science. This quest led me to study the Divine Principle and join the Unification movement in New Haven in 1974. I started a CARP chapter at Yale, then attended UTS for about a year, after which True Father directed me to return to Yale and complete my Ph.D. in molecular biology. While a graduate student, I lived at the New Haven church center and assisted with the work of our movement there.
I was blessed to my beloved wife Kim on July 1, 1982, and we have two wonderful children. We moved to Maryland in January 1995. By God's grace, I was able to work in DC for the Washington Monument campaign, attend several ICUS conferences, help with various DP workshops (including a summer in the former Soviet Union), study Unification Thought under Dr. Sang Hun Lee, visit churches, and teach Sunday School. As part of my career, I have taught college chemistry and served as a science editor for The World and I and the New World Encyclopedia. I currently spend part of my time as a licensed public adjuster, which involves a service for homeowners.
Vision for community:
One family under God. True Love. Generation of Peace. We've heard these sound bites so often that they seem to have progressed from cliches to mantras. Yet, at the very core of my being, these are the very goals I wish to strive for. The challenge I face is, what am I doing to make these ideals a reality? This challenge underlies my motivation to serve on the Elders' Board of our church at this time. Dear brothers and sisters, whatever our differences, difficulties, or ups and downs, I sincerely believe that we are all in this together. No man is an island; and no family is an island either. It is my hope, therefore, to help develop ways in which we can reach out to support one another, in both spiritual and practical dimensions, and be a blessing to others around us. To extend this blessing, I would also like to be a part of developing our system of education, so that our society can recognize the profound truths and values that our True Parents have been sharing with us.
Also: David Phelps -- bio to follow later.
October lessons: Waltz and Rumba
October 17th 12:00 -- 1:30 pm
24th 12:00 -- 1:30 pm
October 31st 12:00 -- 1:30 pm
$15/person, $20/couple for a month
Call/email us if you have any questions
Rex and Emiko Butler
Please mark your calendar for our dance gathering at
Blob's Park
8024 Max Blobs Park
Jessup, MD 20794
(410) 799-7130
on October 23. They are having Octoberfest. $12/person to get in.
New Hope Academy has the added blessing this year of having Mr. Hux (Parthenon Huxley, former lead guitarist of the Electric Light Orchestra) teaching our High School Music Elective. However, we are in need of some equipment. You can receive a tax deduction if you are able to donate any of the items on the WISH LIST. If you haven't used it in years, donate it to New Hope! Ask Friends! Call Joy Morrow or email Mr. Hux if you have something to donate.
WISH LIST: a bass guitar, a bass amp, an electric guitar, a guitar amp, a recording device, microphones, a hi-hat stand and a kick drum pedal.
Room or rooms for rent or whole house for rent in Laurel, Howard County.
Three different options.
1) Basement, huge light filled room, 16 X 19 feet with private bath. Great for artist or couple.
2) Single sunny bedroom. Good for one person.
Or 3) rent our whole house.
Howard County has the best schools in the state. Driving distance to colleges.
Close to JHAPL, NSA, right off I 95.
Pay part of utilities. Please call David or Kathy.
Bible study each 2nd and 4th Sunday at the Fefferman's.
We start with a video lecture from various professors at 8:00 pm (optional), followed by refreshments and reading/study together, with plenty of discussion as we go. We are working our way through the entire Bible. This year we are focusing on the historical books (Judges/Samuel/Kings.). Call Dan for more information. Dan also hosts a Sunday night study dealing with near eastern mythology, biblical apocrypha, early Christian texts, the Dead Sea scrolls, etc. To get on the reminder list for both of these, send your email address to Dan.
Calling all girls and young women and parents! Girl Scout Troop 4506 is currently looking for girls ages 9 and up who are seeking adventure and comradeship. Our troop recently went camping in Pennsylvania, and is currently working on the Photography Badge. We are also looking for adult volunteers to attend our weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 7 PM at New Hope Academy. Parents are always welcome to join in with their daughters as the girls appreciate their support. Also, young women, 18 and older, who are looking to give to the community and be an "older sister", are more than welcome to join us. There are also opportunities to invest your time during our adventure days; e.g. camping, visiting museums, and hiking. If you are interested in any way, please contact Debbie Robbins, Vanessa Scott or Caroline Hampton.
Make your donation check out to HSA-UWC or New Hope Family Church, and then mail it, addressed to:
New Hope Family Church
P.O. Box
Riverdale, MD 20738-0244
Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers:
Katherine Henseler and family Bob Randolph and family
Cheryl Wetztein and family
Prayer requests should be sent to Gay Grow.