The Words of the Goldberg Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The month of June is rapidly approaching. Can you believe that nearly half of the year of 2011 has passed already?
One of our brothers observed that True Parents live at the speed of life. And "life-speed" is very fast.
Loving Life Ministry, initiated by Reverend In Jin Moon, is moving like a fast forward newsreel, racing toward the year 2013. Can you feel it?
This morning I feel moved to share with all of you several good ways in which our community can benefit from a Unified Worship Service in the DC Metro Area:
1. Worship together is more powerful spiritually than worshiping apart. There is strength in unity.
2. Our community has strengths and talents that are not being fully utilized. By coming together we can learn about and share those strengths and find out how to harness those talents and skills to expand our congregation and our membership.
3. The Metro Area young people love to see each other and interact with one another. They inspire us with their energy and their love.
To express it in simple terms, we just have a lot more fun when we get together!
I would like to challenge each one of you to ask yourself this question.......How can I make the unified Sunday Worship experience a part of the way my contacts and friends can encounter God?
As Pastor Ernest Patton reminded us last Sunday, lets bring a friend to Sunday Service on this coming Sunday?
Have a blessed and fruitful day.
See you Sunday...
Pastor Matt Goldberg and Marianne