The Words of the Goldberg Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It might seem like a contradiction, but over the years Marianne and I have learned that the more we give, the more we seem to receive. It really is true that what you give out comes back. Maybe not right away and maybe not in the way we expect, but somehow, God blesses the cheerful giver.
Some of us give of our time, some give their talents and of course their tithes and offerings and some give very quietly and without any fanfare.
I feel blessed to work here in Maryland, where I was raised. Especially at this time in my life, it is gratifying to be allowed to give back to so many brothers and sisters.
In my travels in the past 6 months a few key things stand out loud and clear. out in First, we need unity of mind and body (healthy life). Second we need to demonstrate our unity with our True Parents (share our faith) and third, we need unity in our local communities. We need to love and support one another more than ever. And we need to reach more people with the news that True Parents are on earth.
Jesus said, "Pick up your cross and follow me." True Father encouraged us to love the "taste" of "indemnity". Recently, as we move into the age of Cheon Il Guk, I think Father is saying, "Pick up your hobby and follow your conscience!"
I hope you realize and feel that this church community cares about you. But who is the church community? In a word, it's you and me.
As our community gathers to worship on Sunday, let's be the ones who bring the spirit to make an offering to God.
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Matthew and Marianne Goldberg
There will be an almost free ride in the Youth Van from the Youth Center to Sunday service this week for anyone who would like to volunteer to help with the service (such as preparing and packing the lunches). If you can get to the Youth Center (the Berndt's home in Bowie) no later than 8:45 am, you will get a ride to and from church (Kenmore Middle School). Please offer two dollars for gas. Thank you!
Another New Date: Blessed Family Department announcements:
Blessed Family Department announcement: The Level II Blessing Workshop, "Preparing for the Matching," will be held June 17-19, 2011 at the Lovin' Life Learning Center at 4 West 43rd Street, New York City. Registration is at the BFD Webpage at www.familyfed.org. Workshop fee is $120 for preregistration (before June 10) and $150 for regular registration. Dinner starts 6 p.m. June 17. Workshop ends 4 p.m. on June 19 at Manhattan Center. Contact the Wetzsteins.
Sisters in the Laurel/Columbia area are invited to a WFWP gathering at the home of Eva Ozaki on Friday, June 17, at 7 pm.
Make your donation check out to HSA-UWC and drop it in the mail addressed to:
New Hope Family Church
P.O. Box
Riverdale, MD 20738-0244