The Words of the Goldstein Family |
Report on the June 23rd ACLC Prayer Breakfast
Stephen Goldstein
June 23, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
The Los Angeles chapter of the American Clergy Leadership Conference hosted its monthly prayer breakfast on Saturday June 23, 2007, at New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church with about 70 participants.
Dr. Rev. Walter W. Millsap, the pastor of Sadoc Christian Peace Family Church, emceed the meeting, which was held for the first time at Mt. Zion. He and his wife, Michelene, also presided over the Holy Wine ceremony, at which Tony and Natasha Christian renewed their Blessing vows.
The invocation was given by Rev. Clark of the Helping Hand Ministry.
The Scripture reading was Joshua 1:5-9, which portrayed the passing of leadership from Moses to Joshua.
Mrs. Millsap delivered an excerpt from "A Message of Peace" on true love and true family by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Rev. Margaret Tate, co-pastor of Christ Community Truth Church, then recited the goals and objectives of the ACLC. We next heard inspiring music from the New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church's choir, which was hosting the event.
Dr. Rev. James Toldson, pastor at New Mt. Zion MBC, delivered the keynote address, "One Family under God." Reverend Toldson got more inspired as he went on, after a musical introduction and support of his speech, which was interrupted several times by applause. He said racial, ethnic and cultural division can be solved through strengthening the nuclear family and restoring the family of God.
Father Pedro Contreras, priest at St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, shared about his experience at the International Leadership Conference in Hawaii earlier this month. Father Contreras has been serving on a committee that reaches out to the community through character education along with Sheriff Baca.
Afterwards, participants enjoyed a delicious hot breakfast lovingly prepared by ACLC and host church volunteers. Many chose to sit outside under a tent to enjoy the beautiful summer weather